Page 212 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 212

                                  (Includes all General, Special, and Grant Funded Positions)

                                                          Participants             Positions Eliminated in Proposed Budget

                      Department                                                     SIP      Alternative    Total
                                                Total SIP    Off-Budget or   On-Budget
                                              Participants   As-Needed   Positions   Positions   Positions   Positions
                                                                                  Eliminated   Eliminated   Eliminated

           Aging                                  8           -         8            (4)         -          (4)
           Animal Services                        22          -         22          (11)        (15)       (26)
           City Administrative Officer            5           -         5            (1)        (4)         (5)
           City Attorney                          58         1          57           (6)        (23)       (29)
           City Clerk                             14          -         14           (9)         -          (9)
           City Planning                          23          -         23          (13)        (14)       (27)
           Controller                             11          -         11           (8)        (3)        (11)
           Convention and Tourism Development     2           -         2            (1)         -          (1)
           Council                                5          5          -             -          -          -
           Cultural Affairs                       9           -         9            (3)        (7)        (10)
           Department on Disability               2           -         2            (1)        (1)         (2)
           Economic and Workforce Development     15          -         15           (6)        (10)       (16)
           El Pueblo de Los Angeles               3           -         3            (1)         -          (1)
           Emergency Management                   6           -         6            (3)        (1)         (4)
           Ethics Commission                      2           -         2            (1)         -          (1)
           Finance                                30          -         30          (12)        (5)        (17)
           Fire-Civilian                          34          -         34          (24)        (13)       (37)
           General Services                      132         10        122          (100)       (32)       (132)
           Housing                                44          -         44          (31)        (23)       (54)
           Information Technology Agency          46          -         46          (25)        (22)       (47)
           Mayor                                  3          3          -             -          -          -
           Neighborhood Empowerment               1           -         1            (1)         -          (1)
           Personnel                              52          -         52          (41)        (22)       (63)
           Police-Civilian                       241          -        241          (187)       (82)       (269)
           Public Accountability                  1           -         1             -          -          -
           Public Works:
               Board of Public Works              13          -         13           (9)        (5)        (14)
               Contract Administration            26          -         26          (17)        (11)       (28)
               Engineering                        99         10         89          (67)        (13)       (80)
               Street Lighting                    26         1          25          (14)        (12)       (26)
               Street Services                   130         24        106          (77)        (50)       (127)
           Recreation and Parks                  160         20        140          (140)        -         (140)
           Transportation                        130          -        130          (55)        (24)       (79)
           Zoo                                    24          -         24          (18)         -         (18)

                        Totals                  1,377        74        1,303        (886)      (392)      (1,278)

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