Page 63 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 63

2021-22 Proposed Budget Changes by Department

             Category    Department              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                                Regular    Reso
                      Continuation of Services
                                     Elevator Inspection                               360,559          -       3
                                     Engineering Case Management                       526,590          -       4
                                     Existing Building Energy and Water Efficiency     738,423          -       8
                                     Fire Sprinkler Inspection                         241,215          -       2
                                     Graphics Designer                                  73,146          -       1
                                     Haul Route Application Processing                  50,413          -       1
                                     Inspection Case Management                      1,137,620          -       9
                                     Intermittent Code Enforcement Services            460,845          -       -
                                     Liens Processing                                   25,407          -       2
                                     Major Projects                                    653,285          -       5
                                     Mechanical Plan Check                             122,877          -       1
                                     Metro Backroom Plan Check                          74,435          -       1
                                                                                       167,850          -       -
                                     Monitoring, Verification, and Inspection Program
                                     Non-Ductile Concrete Plan Check                   768,801          -       6
                                     Online Structural Inventory                       348,434          -       4
                                     Residential Inspection                            653,011          -       6
                                     Residential Inspector Training Program            821,482          -      11
                                     Soft-Story Inspection                           1,009,013          -       9
                                     Soft-Story Plan Check                           1,040,696          -      10
                                     Structural Plan Check Clerical Support            151,238          -       3
                                     Structural Plan Check Support                   1,051,753          -       9
                                     Technology Services Bureau                         84,817          -       1
                                     Zoning Engineer and Subdivision Review            295,865          -       2
                      Restoration of Services
                      5-Restoration of   Restoration of One-Time Salaries and Expense
                      Services       Funding                                           318,333          -       -
                      New Services
                      6-New Services  External Communications Support                  108,613          -       1
                                                             Proposed Changes        3,493,270          -     174
                                     Total                                         132,873,432        911     174

            Cannabis Regulation
                      Adopted Budget
                                     2020-21 Adopted Budget                          4,508,693          6      31
                                                                Adopted Budget       4,508,693          6      31
                      Obligatory Changes
                      Changes        2020-21 Employee Compensation Adjustment          (6,332)          -       -
                                     2021-22 Employee Compensation Adjustment             738           -       -
                                     Full Funding for Partially Financed Positions     355,762          -       -
                                     Salary Step and Turnover Effect                    13,043          -       -
                      Deletion of One-Time Services
                      2-Deletion of
                      One-Time       Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities  (2,737,976)        -       -
                                     Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding             (110,000)         -       -

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