Page 202 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 202

Community Investment for Families

                                              Recapitulation of Changes

                                                                         Adopted         Total         Total
                                                                         Budget         Budget        Budget
                                                                         2021-22       Changes        2022-23

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

            Salaries General                                               6,530,760     2,009,292     8,540,052
            Salaries, As-Needed                                              12,552              -        12,552
            Overtime General                                                  5,135              -         5,135
           Total Salaries                                                  6,548,447     2,009,292     8,557,739

            Printing and Binding                                             15,134              -        15,134
            Travel                                                            1,195              -         1,195
            Contractual Services                                           7,726,996     2,188,355     9,915,351
            Transportation                                                   12,125              -        12,125
            Office and Administrative                                        82,266      1,022,400     1,104,666
            Operating Supplies                                                1,146              -         1,146
            Leasing                                                                -        38,157        38,157

           Total Expense                                                   7,838,862     3,248,912    11,087,774

           Total Community Investment for Families                       14,387,309      5,258,204    19,645,513

                                                                         Adopted         Total         Total
                                                                         Budget         Budget        Budget
                                                                         2021-22       Changes        2022-23

                                                  SOURCES OF FUNDS

           General Fund                                                    8,238,036     4,021,551    12,259,587
           Community Development Trust Fund (Sch. 8)                       4,858,552       851,496     5,710,048
           HOME Investment Partnership Program Fund (Sch. 9)                       -        73,135        73,135
           Community Service Block Grant Trust Fund (Sch. 13)              1,094,424       259,852     1,354,276
           CIFD Miscellaneous Grants and Awards Fund (Sch. 29)                     -        42,354        42,354
           Traffic Safety Education Program Fund (Sch. 29)                  196,297          9,816       206,113
           Total Funds                                                   14,387,309      5,258,204    19,645,513

           Percentage Change                                                                             36.55%

           Positions                                                             35              -            35

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