Page 340 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 340
Recapitulation of Changes
Adopted Total Total
Budget Budget Budget
2021-22 Changes 2022-23
Salaries General 37,529,365 382,964 37,912,329
Salaries Sworn 432,477,616 37,908,261 470,385,877
Sworn Bonuses 5,840,110 13,335 5,853,445
Unused Sick Time 5,356,709 - 5,356,709
Salaries, As-Needed 106,000 - 106,000
Overtime General 1,387,364 - 1,387,364
Overtime Sworn 6,464,283 - 6,464,283
Overtime Constant Staffing 202,784,349 (7,550,767) 195,233,582
Overtime Variable Staffing 16,625,400 2,650,384 19,275,784
Total Salaries 708,571,196 33,404,177 741,975,373
Printing and Binding 348,105 - 348,105
Travel 23,070 - 23,070
Construction Expense 223,755 - 223,755
Contractual Services 12,810,172 2,408,747 15,218,919
Contract Brush Clearance 3,500,000 - 3,500,000
Field Equipment Expense 3,709,604 - 3,709,604
Investigations 5,400 - 5,400
Rescue Supplies and Expense 3,588,420 - 3,588,420
Transportation 3,158 - 3,158
Uniforms 5,165,764 (191,680) 4,974,084
Water Control Devices 766,060 - 766,060
Office and Administrative 2,200,888 20,000 2,220,888
Operating Supplies 5,352,759 (357,599) 4,995,160
Total Expense 37,697,155 1,879,468 39,576,623
Total Fire 746,268,351 35,283,645 781,551,996