Page 489 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 489

Neighborhood Empowerment

                    Position Counts
                                                                                      2022-23 Salary Range and Annual
             2021-22    Change   2022-23    Code                  Title

            Regular Positions
                1         -        1     1117-3     Executive Administrative Assistant III  3338(2)  (69,697 - 104,671)
                -         1        1     1223       Accounting Clerk                2511(2)   (52,429 - 78,780)
                1         -        1     1358       Administrative Clerk            1929(2)   (40,277 - 60,552)
                1         -        1     1523-1     Senior Accountant I             3213(2)   (67,087 - 100,787)
                9         -        9     1537       Project Coordinator             3303(2)   (68,966 - 103,606)
                3         -        3     1538       Senior Project Coordinator      3922(2)   (81,891 - 123,045)
                4         1        5     1542       Project Assistant               2511(2)   (52,429 - 78,780)
                1         -        1     1597-1     Senior Systems Analyst I        4171(2)   (87,090 - 130,854)
                -         1        1     9134       Principal Project Coordinator   4815(2)   (100,537 - 151,004)
                1         -        1     9171-2     Senior Management Analyst II    5372(2)   (112,167 - 168,501)
                2         -        2     9184       Management Analyst              3528(2)   (73,664 - 110,643)
                6         -        6     9208       Neighborhood Empowerment Analyst  3303(2)  (68,966 - 103,606)
                1         -        1     9222       General Manager Department of             (203,559)
                                                    Neighborhood Empowerment
                30        3        33

            Commissioner Positions
                7         -        7     0101-2    Commissioner                     $50/mtg
                7         -        7

            AS NEEDED

            To be Employed As Needed in Such Numbers as Required
                                         0721      Election Clerk                   1561(2)   (32,593 - 48,942)
                                         0728      Election Assistant I             $16.04/hr
                                         0729      Election Assistant II            $18/hr
                                         0730      Election Assistant III           $21/hr
                                         0731      Election Assistant IV            $24/hr
                                         0733      Senior Election Assistant        $34.28/hr
                                         1223      Accounting Clerk                 2511(2)   (52,429 - 78,780)
                                         1358      Administrative Clerk             1929(2)   (40,277 - 60,552)
                                         1502      Student Professional Worker      1419(7)   (29,628 - 44,516)
                                         1513      Accountant                       2767(2)   (57,774 - 86,798)
                                         1517-1    Auditor I                        2971(2)   (62,034 - 93,187)
                                         1535-1    Administrative Intern I          1594(9)   (33,282 - 50,007)
                                         1539      Management Assistant             2511(2)   (52,429 - 78,780)

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