Page 521 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 521
2020-21 2021-22 2021-22 2022-23
Actual Adopted Estimated Program/Code/Description Contract
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Amount
Public Safety Employment - AE6601
$ 25,174 $ 37,629 $ 38,000 1. Photocopier and office equipment rental/maintenance.................................. $ 37,629
4,480 6,684 7,000 2. Stress and physical abilities testing equipment maintenance........................ 6,684
- 1,425 - 3. Career Expo facilities and equipment rental.................................................. 1,425
29,319 94,715 95,000 4. Polygraph testing and background services.................................................. 94,715
- 23,750 - 5. Candidate Processing System Replacement Project..................................... 23,750
71,848 57,000 57,000 6. Medical/psychological testing services.......................................................... 57,000
- 47,500 48,000 7. Psychological testing services for Police Department recruitment................ 47,500
195,836 239,000 239,000 8. Case management system............................................................................. 239,000
$ 326,657 $ 507,703 $ 484,000 Public Safety Employment Total $ 507,703
Employee Selection - FE6602
$ 11,014 $ 20,407 $ 20,000 9. Photocopier and office equipment rental/maintenance.................................. $ 20,407
- 22,800 23,000 10. Job assessment, test administration, and scoring services........................... 22,800
13,422 14,250 44,000 11. Hearing reporter services............................................................................... 14,250
- 5,700 - 12. Career Expo facilities and equipment rental.................................................. 5,700
- - - 13. Office of Public Accountability executive recruitment.................................... 150,000
- 23,750 - 14. Candidate Processing System Replacement Project..................................... 23,750
228,620 189,000 189,000 15. Civil service selection process maintenance and automation........................ 189,000
112,732 300,000 300,000 16. Anytime Anywhere Testing program.............................................................. 300,000
$ 365,788 $ 575,907 $ 576,000 Employee Selection Total $ 725,907
Workers' Compensation and Safety - FE6603
$ 17,307 $ 31,140 $ 31,000 17. Photocopier and office equipment rental/maintenance.................................. $ 31,140
- 6,671 67,000 18. Safety/environmental testing equipment maintenance.................................. 6,671
- 28,500 29,000 19. Environmental health and toxic substance testing......................................... 28,500
- 47,500 28,000 20. Ergonomic evaluations................................................................................... 47,500
- 32,918 - 21. Workers' compensation document imaging maintenance............................. 32,918
- 23,750 - 22. Workers' compensation claims management computer system.................... 23,750
- 47,500 - 23. Workers' compensation bill review and cost containment............................. 47,500
$ 17,307 $ 217,979 $ 155,000 Workers' Compensation and Safety Total $ 217,979
Employee Benefits - FE6604
$ 3,147 $ 6,109 $ 6,000 24. Photocopier and office equipment rental/maintenance.................................. $ 6,109
- 2,850 - 25. Employee benefits consultant........................................................................ 2,850
623,814 700,000 700,000 26. Rideshare Program van leases...................................................................... 700,000
- 21,000 21,000 27. Vanpool driver training................................................................................... 21,000
- 36,000 36,000 28. Vanpool carwash services.............................................................................. 36,000
10,155 24,754 25,000 29. Unemployment insurance third party administrator (TPA)............................. 24,754
- 150,000 150,000 30. Commuter options parking consultant............................................................ 150,000
$ 637,116 $ 940,713 $ 938,000 Employee Benefits Total $ 940,713
Occupational Health - AH6605
$ 3,933 $ 7,785 $ 78,000 31. Photocopier and office equipment rental/maintenance.................................. $ 7,785
9,600 9,500 10,000 32. Pharmacist services....................................................................................... 9,500
- 33,725 34,000 33. Cardiologist services...................................................................................... 33,725
- 2,850 3,000 34. X-ray laboratory services................................................................................ 2,850
- 3,563 4,000 35. Linen rental and laundry services................................................................... 3,563
39,458 95,000 95,000 36. Drug and alcohol testing services.................................................................. 95,000
- 91,750 92,000 37. Occupational health management software................................................... 91,750
2,225 4,750 5,000 38. Mandated medical training............................................................................. 4,750
$ 55,216 $ 248,923 $ 321,000 Occupational Health Total $ 248,923