Page 129 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 129

Bureau of Street Lighting

                                                 Design and Construction
           Priority Outcome: Create a more livable and sustainable city
           This program designs and constructs new lighting systems, rehabilitates and replaces deteriorated lighting
           systems, and supports other departments and agencies with their street lighting designs. These street lighting
           improvements are all designed according to nationally accepted standards which increase the safety for all the
           residents in the City. This program promotes regional public spaces that enhance economic development,
           streetscapes, and walkability. Lit areas create a safe and inviting atmosphere for shoppers, diners, cyclists,
           and transit users, which can have a positive economic impact on a community.

                                         Percentage of Streetlights Converted to LED
            120 -

            100 -                                     90              92              95              97
                      84              87
             80 -

             60 -
             40 -

             20 -
                     2017-18         2018-19         2019-20         2020-21     2021-22 Estimated   2022-23 Projected
                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
             Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs         (14,053,543)          -  (17,676,469)
             Related costs consist of employee benefits.
             SG: ($7,777,952) SHH: ($1,930,296) SHHFB: ($1,428,395)
             SOT: ($100,000) EX: ($2,816,900)
             Related Costs: ($3,622,926)
           Continuation of Services

             9. Smart City and Street Lighting Technology Initiatives           1,050,554         -     1,268,894
                Continue funding and resolution authority for four positions
                consisting of one Street Lighting Engineer, one Street Lighting
                Engineering Associate (SLEA) III, and two SLEA IIs to support
                street lighting technology initiatives. Continue one-time funding
                in the Hiring Hall Salaries ($335,996) and Benefits Hiring Hall
                ($251,012) accounts to support this program. Funding is
                provided by the Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment
                Fund. Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $463,546   SHH: $335,996   SHHFB: $251,012
                Related Costs: $218,340

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