Page 124 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 124

Bureau of Street Lighting

                                              Recapitulation of Changes

                                                                         Adopted         Total         Total
                                                                         Budget         Budget        Budget
                                                                         2021-22       Changes        2022-23

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

            Salaries General                                             30,013,697      2,283,161    32,296,858
            Overtime General                                                821,000        200,000     1,021,000
            Hiring Hall Salaries                                           2,770,968       128,194     2,899,162
            Benefits Hiring Hall                                           1,984,825        34,591     2,019,416

           Total Salaries                                                35,590,490      2,645,946    38,236,436

            Printing and Binding                                             12,500              -        12,500
            Contractual Services                                           1,308,400     (750,000)       558,400
            Field Equipment Expense                                          10,000              -        10,000
            Transportation                                                    1,000              -         1,000
            Office and Administrative                                       408,514              -       408,514
            Operating Supplies                                             2,505,150        89,999     2,595,149

           Total Expense                                                   4,245,564     (660,001)     3,585,563

            Furniture, Office, and Technical Equipment                        1,000              -         1,000

           Total Equipment                                                    1,000              -         1,000

            St. Lighting Improvements and Supplies                         1,430,000       180,000     1,610,000
           Total Special                                                   1,430,000       180,000     1,610,000

           Total Bureau of Street Lighting                               41,267,054      2,165,945    43,432,999

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