Page 278 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 278
Facilities Planning and Maintenance
Priority Outcome: Create a more livable and sustainable city
This program provides all facility assessments, alterations, improvements, repairs, maintenance, and
landscaping, through coordination with the Department of General Services. The program also oversees
procurement; storage, distribution, and shipping of materials; mail services; and, the use of Library property for
rental and filming purposes.
Program Changes Direct Cost Positions Total Cost
Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs 7,132,207 38 8,561,796
Related costs consist of employee benefits.
SG: $2,551,793 EX: $4,540,277 SP: $40,137
Related Costs: $1,429,589
New Services
25. Alterations and Improvements 1,006,175 - 1,006,175
Add one-time funding to the Contractual Services Account to
fund various alterations and improvements projects at branch
EX: $1,006,175
Other Changes or Adjustments
26. Staff Reallocation - - -
Reallocate one Administrative Clerk to Senior Administrative
Clerk. This position will provide clerical and administrative
support. Reallocation of this position is subject to approval by
the Board of Civil Service Commissioners. The salary cost
difference will be absorbed by the Department.
TOTAL Facilities Planning and Maintenance 8,138,382 38
2021-22 Program Budget - -
Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special 8,138,382 38
2022-23 PROGRAM BUDGET 8,138,382 38