Page 372 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 372
CTIEP – Municipal Facilities
Sepulveda Basin Vision Plan 3 7 - PP $ 2,500,000
Funding is provided to explore a vision plan for the Sepulveda Basin in advance of the 2028 Olympics.
Sheldon Arleta Phase III C - Baseball Field and Picnic Area 1,5 6 - D,C $ 400,000
Funding is provided for sidewalk repair work at Sheldon Arleta Park.
Social Equity: This project will serve as a regional facility that will increase recreational space and youth programming.
Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project - Continued 1,2 7 - C $ 2,200,000
Construction Funding
Funding is provided for the Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project right-of-way time related impacts and other
construction support costs.
Taylor Yard G2 River Park Project - Maintenance 1,2,3 6 ✓ C $ 100,000
Funding is provided for regular maintenance and monitoring of the Taylor Yard G2 parcel. This annual dust
suppression work is legally mandated and required for the health and safety of the public.
Underground Fuel Storage Tank Repairs and Replacements 1,2,3,5 - ✓ PP,D,C $ 500,000
Funding is provided for removal, replacement, and/or abandonment in place of failing underground fuel storage tanks
(UST) and associated piping systems and to fund the UST filtering maintenance.
Social Equity: This program could be leveraged to promote environmental objectives in communities of low
Valley Plaza Park Pool Repairs 1,5 6 - C $ 250,000
Funding is provided for pool repairs at Valley Plaza Recreation Center.
Social Equity: This project will provide expanded access to aquatic programming for youth.
Van Nuys Ruth Bader Ginsburg Monument 5 5 - C $ 125,000
Funding is provided to address remaining shortfall for excavation, foundation, and related site preparation work in the
current year. The scope of work includes site preparation, landscaping/outdoor seating, and electrical power source.
Social Equity: This project will promote education and awareness around gender equity issues.
Vision Theatre Equipment 1,2,4,5 6 - D,C $ 700,000
Funding is provided to purchase and install industry standard audio/visual equipment that is needed to operate the
theatre in support of art development and job training skills for local South L.A. residents.
Social Equity: This project will provide access to cultural art programming and serve as a regional facility as part of a
1.3-mile arts district that is located adjacent to the new Crenshaw rail line.