Page 377 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 377
CTIEP – Municipal Facilities
Electric Vehicle Charger Installation and Power Upgrades - 3,4 - ✓ C $ 1,000,000
Funding is provided to continue the expansion of electric vehicle charging stations at multiple Police department
facilities throughout the City.
Electric Vehicles Infrastructure for Yards and Facilities 3,4 - ✓ D,C $ 2,000,000
Funding is provided for the development of electric vehicle infrastructure at yards operated by the Bureau of Street
Services in preparation for the full electrification of all City fleet vehicles.
Engine Company 23 Junior Arts Center 2,5 5 - C $ 1,650,000
Funding is provided to address a funding shortfall for this Proposition K Specified project to repurpose the former Fire
Station into a Junior Arts facility located on Skid Row that will serve homeless and other disadvantaged youth.
Social Equity: This project will provide enrichment programming for homeless youth in the immediate community,
along with other disadvantaged youth residing in neighboring communities of South and East LA, as this Center will
serve as a regional facility.
Fire Station Alerting System Replacement 1,4 - - C $ 500,000
Funding is provided to offset a shortfall for the Fire Station Alerting System (FSAS) replacement project.
Fire Station No. 4 Facade Replacement 1,4 7 - C $955,000
Funding is provided to offset a funding shortfall for the Fire Station No. 4 Facade Replacement project to implement
repairs and reconstruction of the exterior facade.
Fire Station No. 39 Improvements 1,4 5 - D,C $ 330,000
Funding is provided to continue improvements at Old Fire Station No. 39 in order to provide a permanent location for
the Operations Valley Bureau. Improvements include renovation of the kitchen area and ADA restroom.
Fuel Management System Upgrade - Phase II 4 - - C $ 2,000,000
Funding is provided for Phase II upgrades to the Fuel Management System including the installation of 170 fuel
control terminals.
Harbor LSD Regional Facility 1,4,5 8 - C $ 523,118
Phased funding is provided to retrofit an area within an existing masonry building at the Harbor yard for use by the
LSD to house administrative staff who are currently using a temporary office trailer at the site.
Social Equity: This facility will support the regional deployment of Sanitation services that addresses the needs of
homeless population.
Hollywood Recreation Center Phase II - Modern Gymnasium 1,2,5 5 - C $ 1,100,000
Funding is provided to address a funding shortfall to proceed with the replacement of the existing gymnasium with a
modern facility as part of a final phase of the Proposition K Specified project authorized for this facility.
Social Equity: This project will expand recreational space and youth enrichment programs in a high-density area and
a highly utilized facility.