Page 382 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 382
CTIEP – Municipal Facilities
Taylor Yard G2 River Park 1,2,3,5 6 ✓ PP,D $ 2,951,007
Funding is provided for the planning and conceptual work needed in Year 1 of the estimated nine-year schedule for
remediation and development of the 42-acre Taylor Yard G2 River Park Project. The completed park will restore the
natural ecosystem, provide greater access to the river, and increase more green space along the Los Angeles River.
Social Equity: This project will expand recreational opportunities.
Taylor Yard G2 River Park - Utilities 1,2,3 6 ✓ D,C $ 500,000
Funding is provided for the design and construction of utilities including power, domestic water, recycled water, sewer,
and communications required for the full Taylor Yard G2 River Park build out.
Venice Public Parking Structure 1,4,5 4 - C $11,645,634
Funding is provided to offset first year construction costs of an approximately 240-space public parking structure, an
expansion and increased availability of beach-adjacent public parking. Funding enables the City to maximize use of
its City-owned lot and proceed with the construction of a 140-unit supportive and affordable housing development,
co-located on the site.
Social Equity: This project will support affordable housing needs.
Verdugo Hills Pool and Bathhouse Rehabilitation 5 6 - C $ 1,282,785
Funding is provided to proceed with major upgrades to the pool and bathhouse that have been on hold due to an
unresolved shortfall that will be offset through leveraging of multiple program funding sources.
Social Equity: This project will provide expanded access to aquatic programming.
West Valley Police Station 1,4 6 - C $ 1,034,000
Funding is provided for infrastructure improvements at the West Valley Police Station. Improvements include
replacing five rooftop heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) package units and three HVAC split ductless
Whitsett Sports Field Restroom Upgrades 1,5 6 - C $ 400,000
Funding is provided to replace restrooms at Whitsett Fields.
Social Equity: This project will provide increased access to recreational space for youth programming.
Zoo Vision Plan Phase I 4,5 - - PP,D,C $ 2,000,000
Funding is provided to begin the design and construction of Phase I of the Zoo's Vision Plan. Phase I focuses on the
California exhibit and the main entrance. The Vision Plan will guide physical transformation and improvement of
facilities and operations of the Zoo and serve as the blueprint for transformation and modernization over the next 20
Social Equity: This facility supports Citywide service delivery through academic enrichment programming and
recreational activities that support youth development, with extended benefits to their families.
Subtotal MICLA Financing $ 108,859,815