Page 381 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 381

CTIEP – Municipal Facilities

           MICLA-ISSUED FINANCING (cont.)
           PROJECT TITLE                                             CATEGORY*  SEI* GI* ACTIVITY**        2022-23
           Slauson and Wall Concrete Removal                             1,2,3,5    5    ✓       C      $ 2,557,079

           Funding is provided for legally mandated remediation work at the Slauson and Wall project site.

           Social Equity: This project will provide increased recreational space and youth programming.
           Slauson Connect Recreation Center Site Art Installations       2,5       5    -       D      $ 3,501,827
           and Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment

           Funding is provided to address the budget shortfall for this project.
           Social Equity: This project will remediate blight that has existed along the Slauson corridor for multiple decades, by
           providing new recreational space, youth programming, and access to other social services to be co-located on site.

           Slauson LSD Regional Facility                                 1,4,5      5    -       C        $ 488,721
           Phased funding is provided to develop a regional LSD facility, which includes installation of a modular office and
           hygiene facilities with parking spaces for employee and operational vehicles.
           Social Equity: This facility will support the regional deployment of Sanitation services that addresses the needs of
           homeless population.

           Southeast Yard Fire Damaged Buildings Demo, and                1,5       4    -      D,C     $ 1,000,000
           Phased funding is provided to fund the demolition of existing structures and restoration of a fire-damaged Southeast
           yard which will accommodate the co-location of Bureau of Street Services and Recreation and Parks yards and shops

           Social Equity: The restoration of this facility will resolve current inequities in service provision as work crews deployed
           from this site must travel to other facilities to obtain the necessary field equipment which reduces the actual service
           hours provided to this community.

           Space Optimization Tenant Work                                1,2,4,5    -    -    PP,D,C   $ 4,500,000
           Funding is provided for tenant improvements and the relocation of City staff in accordance with the City's Space
           Optimization Plan, subject to the approval and oversight of the Municipal Facilities Committee, with priority for use of
           these funds to include any new City departments authorized through the Budget.

           Studio City Recreation Center - New Gymnasium                  1,3       7    -      D,C     $ 3,390,000

           Funding is provided to offset a shortfall for the Proposition K Specified project for construction of a modern gym,
           community center, and landscaping.

           Sun Valley Youth Arts Center Studio - Patio Conversion         1,5       6    -       C         $ 472,204

           Funding is provided to enclose and convert the patio at the Sun Valley Youth Arts Center (SVYAC) into gallery space.
           Social Equity: This project is intended to provide access to the same type of programming space that is currently
           available in other regions throughout the City.

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