Page 410 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 410

General City Purposes

                                                                  2021-22          Change From          2022-23
            Program Changes                                    Adopted Budget     2021-22 Budget    Proposed Budget

         Other Changes or Adjustments
         Administered by:  Aging

          6. Aging Programs Various.  Funding is provided to the  $      192,000  $            -    $         192,000
            Department of Aging for services related to the Family
            Caregiver Program, Elder Abuse Prevention Program,
            and other Older Americans Act support programs.

          7. Congregate Meals for Seniors. Funding is provided         4,813,615         (4,000,000)          813,615
            Citywide  for  seniors  and  supplements  the  Older
            Americans Act grant funds. The 2021-22 Budget included
            one-time funding, which is not continued, to provide
            additional congregate meals for seniors. Funding in 2022-
            23 will provide approximately 86,005 meals.

          8. Home-Delivered Meals for Seniors. Funding is provided     2,667,230               -            2,667,230
            for home-delivered meals for seniors and supplements
            Older Americans Act grant funds. These funds will provide
            approximately 256,711 meals in 2022-23.

         Administered by:  Chief Legislative Analyst
          9. Council Community Projects.  One-time funding is          5,912,814          2,840,000          8,752,814
            provided to fund specific community programs in various
            Council Districts. The selection of these programs are
            based on anticipated community outcomes.

         10. Neighborhood Service Enhancements. The 2021-22           30,000,000        (30,000,000)              -
            Budget included one-time funding for neighborhood
            investment projects including public works improvements,
            jobs and community investment programs, city services
            and programming, cleaning and beautification, and
            homeless services. Funding is not continued in 2022-23.

         Administered by:  Chief Legislative Analyst and City Administrative Officer
         11. Clean Streets - Related Costs. The Clean Streets                8,452,330     (8,108,504)        343,826
            Program addresses illegal dumping, alleyway cleanups,
            and homeless encampments. Funding for the program is
            provided directly in the Bureau of Sanitation's operating
            budget. The General City Purposes funding will reimburse
            the Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund for vehicle
            fuel,  vehicle  depreciation,  and  fleet  maintenance
            expenses. Funding was increased in 2021-22 on a one-
            time basis to address reimbursement shortfalls in 2018-19
            and 2019-20. Funding for 2022-23 reflects an anticipated
            shortfall  in  2021-22  and  does  not  reflect  any
            reimbursements in 2022-23, as all costs are included in
            the Bureau of Sanitation budget.

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