Page 411 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 411
General City Purposes
2021-22 Change From 2022-23
Program Changes Adopted Budget 2021-22 Budget Proposed Budget
12. Justice Fund. Funding is provided for the Los Angeles $ 2,000,000 $ - $ 2,000,000
Justice Fund for non-profit legal representation for
undocumented, low-income individuals and families facing
removal proceedings.
13. Lifeline Reimbursement Program. Funding is provided 10,220,000 600,000 10,820,000
to reimburse the Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund
(SWRRF) ($6,300,000), Sewer Construction and
Maintenance (SCM) Fund ($4,200,000) and Multi-Family
Bulky Item (MFBI) Fund ($320,000) for costs attributed to
the Solid Waste Fee Lifeline Rate Program and the low-
income subsidy for the Sewer Service Charge (SSC).
Funding for the SWRRF program reflects a 30 percent
subsidy for participating senior citizens aged 62 and over
and individuals with disabilities who meet qualifying
income levels. The SSC provides an approximate 31
percent discount for low-income customers for the first
900 cubic feet of wastewater discharge. Funding for MFBI
Lifeline and Low-Income Program reflects a 31 percent
subsidy for low-income residents as well as an exemption
to senior citizens and individuals with disabilities who
meet qualifying income levels. In consideration of
Proposition 218, the City cannot subsidize these
programs with revenues from ratepayers. The City must
therefore offset costs for these programs from a non-
restricted revenue source. Funding is increased based on
a projected increase in the number of enrollees and
subsidies provided.
14. Solid Waste Fee Reimbursement. Funding is provided 2,600,000 800,000 3,400,000
to reimburse the Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund
(SWRRF) for costs attributed to solid resources collection
and disposal service to other City departments and
special events. In consideration of Proposition 218, the
City cannot subsidize these costs with revenues from
residential ratepayers. The City must, therefore, offset the
cost of these activities from a non-SWRRF revenue
source. Reimbursements will be processed on a quarterly
basis. Funding is increased to maintain service levels and
address previous funding shortfalls.
15. Special Event Fee Subsidy - Citywide. Funds will be 817,000 - 817,000
used to balance the cost of special events with the need
to support community and neighborhood events.