Page 413 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 413
General City Purposes
2021-22 Change From 2022-23
Program Changes Adopted Budget 2021-22 Budget Proposed Budget
24. LA SHARES. LA SHARES is a non-profit organization $ 300,000 $ - $ 300,000
which takes materials and goods such as donated office
supplies, furniture, and equipment and redistributes them
to non-profit organizations and schools. Funding is
provided by the Citywide Recycling Trust Fund to assist in
defraying the costs of transporting these goods.
25. LACERS/LAFPP Audits. Charter Section 1112 requires 500,000 (500,000) -
the City to conduct an audit of the Los Angeles City
Employees' Retirement System (LACERS) and the Los
Angeles Fire and Police Pensions System (LAFPP).
Funding was provided in 2021-22 for these audits, which
must occur every five years and is therefore not required
in 2022-23.
26. Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). The 243,916 - 243,916
City reimburses the County of Los Angeles (County) for
direct costs attributable to four of the 15 LAFCO members
who represent the City and for four-fifteenths of the
County's expenditures for general LAFCO-related office
expenses. Representatives vote on boundaries,
annexation, and fees. The County is responsible for all
administrative tasks and bills the City for its share. Dues
are calculated based on the City's total revenues relative
to total revenues for all member cities.
27. Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust. This 40,500 - 40,500
organization provides technical assistance to community
groups in landscape architecture, real estate transactions,
outreach and community organization, and fundraising for
the creation of open green spaces in urban areas.
28. Los Angeles Superior Court Teen Court Program. 125,000 - 125,000
Teen Court provides an alternative to Juvenile Court and
functions as an actual court for young people who commit
non-serious crimes.
29. Mobile Laundry Truck. Mobile Laundry Trucks offer a 67,600 - 67,600
place for individuals and families experiencing
homelessness to wash clothes.
30. North Hollywood Film Festival. Funding is provided to 25,000 - 25,000
support the production of the North Hollywood Cinefest.
31. Official Notices. Funding is provided for the publication 275,000 - 275,000
and ad placement of official notices.
32. Settlement Adjustment Processing. Funding is 16,339 740 17,079
provided to continue making monthly payments as part of
a settlement agreement entered between the City and a
former employee.