Page 417 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 417

General City Purposes

                                                                  2021-22          Change From          2022-23
            Program Changes                                    Adopted Budget     2021-22 Budget    Proposed Budget

         48. Los Angeles Continuum of Care (CoC) Administration.  $         -    $        3,492,448  $       3,492,448
            The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) is
            the lead agency for the Los Angeles CoC, which is a
            regional or local planning body that coordinates housing
            and  services  funding  for  homeless  families  and
            individuals. As the lead agency, LAHSA coordinates crisis
            housing, provides critical, basic shelter for individuals and
            families experiencing homelessness and in need of
            immediate housing, and provides a point-of-entry into the
            Coordinated Entry System. The U.S. Department of
            Housing and Urban Development awards LAHSA with
            annual grants for the CoC and the City's cash match,
            along with the County of Los Angeles, continues to
            leverage federal grant funds. The administration of CoC-
            related programs was included in the General City
            Purposes Homeless Shelter Program item in prior fiscal
            years. See the Homeless Budget for a breakdown of
            budgeted funds.

         49. Los Angeles Homeless Count. As required by the U.S.         750,000               -            750,000

            Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD),
            local jurisdictions must conduct counts of homeless
            populations every year. The Los Angeles Homeless
            Services Authority coordinates the annual count of the
            homeless population and an annual enumeration of
            emergency systems, transitional housing units, and beds
            that make up the homeless assistance systems. The
            homeless count enables the City and County of Los
            Angeles to compete for and receive annual grant funding
            from the HUD for the delivery of homeless services.

         50. Operation Healthy Streets. In 2011-12, the Los Angeles     7,201,513        (7,201,513)              -
            County Health Department issued a Notice of Violation to
            the City regarding an immediate threat to public health
            due to unsanitary conditions on the City’s sidewalks and
            public areas in the Skid Row area. Since that time, and
            through  Operation  Healthy  Streets,  the  City  has
            undertaken efforts to increase outreach and street
            cleaning and to provide additional services for those
            experiencing homelessness in the area. In order to better
            reflect LAHSA's priorities and programming, funding for
            this program in 2022-23 is now incorporated into the new
            General City Purposes Street Strategies item.

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