Page 46 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 46

                                   DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

           2020-21      2021-22      2021-22                                                            2022-23
           Actual      Adopted      Estimated                   Program/Code/Description                Contract
        Expenditures    Budget     Expenditures                                                         Amount
                                                 Construction Inspection - FG7601

       $          21,050  $          34,997  $          35,000  1. Rental/maintenance of photocopiers..........................................................  $          40,000
                  32,300           98,231           94,000  2. Software maintenance agreements............................................................         100,000
                    4,165             2,500             3,000  3. Records storage.........................................................................................           10,000
                                 3,000             3,000  4. Business research service.........................................................................           23,068

       $          57,515  $        138,728  $        135,000                 Construction Inspection Total  $        173,068
                                                 Contract Compliance - FG7602
       $            7,500  $            8,000  $            2,000  5. Rental/maintenance of photocopiers..........................................................  $        100,000
                       136                      -                    -    6. Maintenance of electronic typewriters.........................................................                    -
                  66,602         138,138           16,000  7. Software maintenance agreements............................................................         170,738
                       500             1,000                      -  8. Records storage.........................................................................................             6,000
                  57,671           25,000                    -    9. Business research service.........................................................................           34,000
                  10,000           44,500         197,000  10. Outreach services......................................................................................           60,000
       $        142,409  $        216,638  $        215,000                    Contract Compliance Total  $        370,738

                                                 General Administration and Support - FG7650
       $            6,425  $            1,930  $            1,000  11. Rental/maintenance of photocopiers..........................................................  $            1,930
                    1,345             5,326             8,000  12. Software maintenance agreements............................................................             7,226
                         11             2,400                    -    13. Business research service.........................................................................             2,400
       $            7,781  $            9,656  $            9,000   General Administration and Support Total  $          11,556

       $        207,705  $        365,022  $        359,000      TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $        555,362

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