Page 162 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
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              Actual       Adopted       Estimated                                                       Total
           Expenditures     Budget      Expenditures                                                    Budget
             2020-21        2021-22       2021-22                                                       2022-23

                                                   SOURCES OF FUNDS

                 633,271       651,192        651,000 Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund (Sch. 2)          773,939
                  42,161        46,727         47,000 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund (Sch. 7)          59,715
                  66,087       160,052        160,000 Community Development Trust Fund (Sch. 8)             96,782
                                                      HOME Investment Partnership Program Fund (Sch.
                  20,211       162,817        163,000                                                      168,039
                 416,035       621,104        517,000 Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Fund (Sch. 10)  645,737
               1,526,713      1,742,893     1,700,000 Sewer Operations & Maintenance Fund (Sch. 14)       1,820,023
                 251,781       474,221        474,000 Sewer Capital Fund (Sch. 14)                         489,350
                                                      Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Fund (Sch.
                 135,268       120,384        120,000                                                      123,055
                                                      Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Fund (Sch.
                 110,375       396,931        397,000                                                      423,721
                 184,114       182,750        183,000 Rent Stabilization Trust Fund (Sch. 23)              168,061
                  96,666       113,876        114,000 Arts and Cultural Facilities & Services Fund (Sch. 24)  117,924
                                                      Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund (Sch.
                  63,239        91,201         91,000                                                      113,245
                 248,146       272,827        273,000 Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Fund (Sch. 27)   318,052
               1,100,457      2,628,600     1,166,000 City Employees Ridesharing Fund (Sch. 28)           2,628,600
                   3,180             -              - CRA Non-Housing Bond Proceeds Fund (Sch. 29)               -
                       -       511,439        500,000 Deferred Compensation Plan Trust Fund (Sch. 29)      517,546
                    388              -              - Economic Development Trust Fund (Sch. 29)                  -
                  25,273             -              - General Fund- Various Programs Fund (Sch. 29)              -
                                                      Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Grant
               3,812,951             -              -                                                            -
                                                      (Sch. 29)
                       -             -              - Housing Impact Trust Fund (Sch. 29)                  167,760
                   3,730             -              - LA County Department of Probation Grants (Sch. 29)         -
                                                      LA County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act
                    203              -              -                                                            -
                                                      (Sch. 29)
                     50              -              - LA County LA RISE Measure H Fund                           -
                    454              -              - LA County Project Invest Fund (Sch. 29)                    -
                    342              -              - LA County Systems Involved Youth Fund (Sch. 29)            -
                    180              -              - LA County WIOA Fund (Sch. 29)                              -
                    533              -              - Prison to Employment (P2E) Program Fund (Sch. 29)          -
                                                      Summer Training and Employment Program for
                     97              -              -                                                            -
                                                      Student (Sch. 29)
                    531              -              - SYEP - Various Sources Fund (Sch. 29)                      -
                    636              -              - LA County Youth Job Program Fund (Sch. 29)                 -
                   8,846             -              - Gang Injunction Curfew Settlement (Sch. 29)                -
                                                      LA RISE City General Fund Homeless Program (Sch.
                   4,614             -              -                                                            -
                                                      Cannabis Regulation Special Revenue Fund (Sch.
                  88,289       363,483        363,000                                                      406,110
               1,232,879      1,299,871     1,225,000 Building and Safety Building Permit Fund (Sch. 40)  1,359,556

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