Page 231 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 231

                                                   MUNICIPAL FACILITIES

     The Municipal Facilities Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program includes such public facilities as parks, recreation centers,
     libraries, animal shelters, cultural facilities, off-street parking lots and major maintenance projects to improve City facilities. Facilities required to
     support municipal operations, such as police and fire stations, landfills, shops, communications installations and other miscellaneous facilities owned
     or operated by the City are also included.

                                               2022-23 PROJECT APPROPRIATIONS

                                                                                      Park &
                                                                         General   Sites & Facilities
     MUNICIPAL FACILITIES PROJECTS                                        Fund        Fund *       MICLA       TOTAL

        Lankershim Art Center Improvements and Habitability Repairs             --           --            4,000,000            4,000,000
        Mason Child Care Center Facility Renovation                              1,102,500   --          --            1,102,500
        North Hollywood Park Redesign                                           --           --            1,500,000            1,500,000
        Old Arlington (Washington Irving) Library                               --           --               750,000               750,000
        Pio Pico Library Pocket Park and Underground Parking                    --           --               700,000               700,000
        Reseda Park Triangle                                                        500,000  --          --               500,000
        Reseda Roller Skating Rink and Ice Skating Facility                     --           --            1,500,000            1,500,000
        Reseda Theater Roof Rehabilitation                                      --           --               450,000               450,000
        Sepulveda Basin Vision Plan                                              2,500,000   --          --            2,500,000
        Serrania Park Restroom                                                  --           --               862,101               862,101
        Sheldon Arleta Phase III C - Baseball Field and Picnic Area                 400,000  --               700,000            1,100,000
        Slauson and Wall Concrete Removal                                       --           --            2,557,079            2,557,079
        Slauson Connect Recreation Center Site Art Installations and Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment  --  --            3,501,827            3,501,827
        Studio City Recreation Center - New Gymnasium                           --           --            3,390,000            3,390,000
        Sun Valley Youth Arts Center Studio - Patio Conversion                  --           --               472,204               472,204
        Taylor Yard G2 River Park                                               --           --            2,951,007            2,951,007
        Taylor Yard G2 River Park - Utilities                                   --           --               500,000               500,000
        Taylor Yard G2 River Park Project - Maintenance                             100,000  --          --               100,000
        Valley Plaza Park Pool Repairs                                              250,000  --          --               250,000
        Van Nuys Ruth Bader Ginsburg Monument                                       125,000  --          --               125,000
        Various Recreation Parks Facilities                                     --            3,100,000  --            3,100,000
        Verdugo Hills Pool and Bathhouse Rehabilitation                         --           --            1,282,785            1,282,785
        Vision Theatre Equipment                                                    700,000  --          --               700,000
        Whitsett Sports Field Restroom Upgrades                                 --           --               400,000               400,000
        Zoo Exhibit Shade Structure - Elephant and Giraffe Exhibits                 706,019  --          --               706,019
        Zoo Vision Plan Phase I **                                              --           --            2,000,000            2,000,000
     Seismic and Bridge Improvement/Yards and Shops
        Arlington Livability Services Division (LSD) Regional Facility          --           --               488,721               488,721
        Asphalt Plant I - Annex Site Improvements                               --           --            8,629,774            8,629,774
        Asphalt Plant I - Recycled Asphalt Pavement Canopy Structure            --           --               230,000               230,000
        Bridge Improvement Program (BIP) - Program Contingency                      600,000  --               400,000            1,000,000
        Capital Program - Bureau of Street Services                             --           --               750,000               750,000
        Donald C Tillman LSD Regional Facility                                  --           --               312,963               312,963
        Electric Vehicles Infrastructure for Yards and Facilities               --           --            2,000,000            2,000,000
        Fuel Management System Upgrade - Phase II                               --           --            2,000,000            2,000,000
        Harbor LSD Regional Facility                                            --           --               523,118               523,118
        Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project - Continued Construction Funding            2,200,000  --               800,000            3,000,000
        Slauson LSD Regional Facility                                           --           --               488,721               488,721
        Southeast Yard Fire Damaged Buildings Demo, and Reconstruction          --           --            1,000,000            1,000,000
        Yards and Shops - Capital Equipment                                         450,000  --          --               450,000

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