Page 232 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 232

                                                   MUNICIPAL FACILITIES

     The Municipal Facilities Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program includes such public facilities as parks, recreation centers,
     libraries, animal shelters, cultural facilities, off-street parking lots and major maintenance projects to improve City facilities. Facilities required to
     support municipal operations, such as police and fire stations, landfills, shops, communications installations and other miscellaneous facilities owned
     or operated by the City are also included.

                                               2022-23 PROJECT APPROPRIATIONS

                                                                                      Park &
                                                                         General   Sites & Facilities
     MUNICIPAL FACILITIES PROJECTS                                        Fund        Fund *       MICLA       TOTAL

        One Percent for the Arts                                                    330,487  --          --               330,487
        Parking Lot 2 and 7 Redesign                                            --           --            1,990,000            1,990,000
        Venice Public Parking Structure                                         --           --          11,645,634          11,645,634
     Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC)
        LACC ADA Remediation                                                                   --                          --            2,000,000            2,000,000
        LACC Building Automation System Upgrade                                                --                          --            5,400,000            5,400,000
        LACC Campus Lighting Control Upgrades                                                  --                          --               800,000               800,000
        LACC Chiller Replacement                                                               --                          --            8,400,000            8,400,000
        LACC Elevator Upgrades                                                                 --                          --            1,285,000            1,285,000
        LACC Escalator and Elevator Modernization                                              --                          --               350,000               350,000
        LACC Escalator Replacement Program                                                     --                          --               975,000               975,000
        LACC Exterior Sign LED Retrofit                                                        --                          --               175,000               175,000
        LACC Food Service Renovations and Additions                                            --                          --               750,000               750,000
        LACC Security Access Controls                                                          --                          --               305,000               305,000
        LACC Security Surveillance System                                                      --                          --               250,000               250,000
        LACC Sliding Door Upgrades                                                             --                          --               180,000               180,000
        LACC Supply and Return Motor Replacement                                               --                          --               885,000               885,000
      TOTAL MUNICIPAL FACILITIES PROJECTS                              $      27,306,944  $        3,100,000  $    108,859,815  $    139,266,759

     *  Allocations to specific projects will be provided by the City Administrative Officer in accordance with Council policy or direction.
     **  Appropriation includes partial restoration of funding deferred for budget balancing as part of the 2020-21 Second Financial Status Report (C.F. 20-0600-S84).
     The City Administrative Officer is further authorized to approve all necessary appropriation documents to implement the allocations for specific projects.
     NOTE: The City Administrative Officer may approve transfers of $25,000 or 25% of project amounts (whichever is greater), not to exceed $100,000 to or between eligible capital improvement projects or accounts
     within the same fund approved by Council.

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