Page 303 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 303


          SCHEDULE 8
                                       COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND
          The primary objective of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is to promote viable urban communities through
          decent housing, expanded economic development opportunities and comprehensive social services to persons of low and moderate
          The City of Los Angeles receives CDBG funds based on the ratio of population, poverty, and housing overcrowding in the City
          compared to the ratio within all U.S. metropolitan areas.  Funds are allocated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
          Development to specific programs or purposes, based on approved applications, and remitted to the City by a letter-of-credit
          The 2022-23 Budget reflects the receipt and use of funds for salaries, expenses, and related costs attributable to departmental
          budgets. The Mayor and Council are considering appropriations for additional projects and programs funded by CDBG funds as
          detailed in the 48th Program Year (PY) Consolidated Plan, which is authorized from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 (C.F.
          21-1186-S1). Funding amounts are based on estimates and are subject to change pending receipt of actual entitlement award from
          the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2020-21         2021-22                                                                 2022-23
                22,012,907        21,034,000  11,752 Federal Grants                                      19,461,445
                22,012,907        21,034,000  Total Revenue                                              19,461,445

          EXPENDITURES                       APPROPRIATIONS
                   290,231          237,000  5 Aging                                                       265,418
                 1,188,101        1,749,000  43 Building and Safety                                              -
                        -            96,000  87 City Administrative Officer                                 95,138
                   304,127          285,000  113 City Attorney                                              70,281
                        -         3,903,000  189 Community Investment for Families                        5,710,048
                        -            22,000  203 Controller                                                 20,840
                 1,629,359        1,692,000  279 Economic and Workforce Development                       2,034,436
                 1,356,422        1,370,000  393 General Services                                                -
                 7,164,048        4,747,000  429 Housing                                                  4,157,720
                    4,602                -  465 Information Technology Agency                                    -
                    66,087          160,000  523 Personnel                                                  96,782
                 1,500,673          457,000  663 Bureau of Street Lighting                                       -
                 1,562,231               -  677 Bureau of Street Services                                        -
                   211,886               -  701 Transportation                                                   -
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                    39,945           20,000  2,015  Environmental Consultant                                20,000
                      589             7,000  2,180  Translation Services                                     6,000
                 6,694,606        6,289,000  2,198  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                   6,984,782
                22,012,907        21,034,000  Total Appropriations                                       19,461,445

                        -                -   Ending Balance, June 30                                            -

          The dollar amounts shown reflect combined Actual 2020-21 expenditures for both administrative (Adopted budget) and program
          costs (off-budget). These amounts are provided by the Controller's reporting system which does not differentiate between
          administrative and program costs.

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