Page 199 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 199

the  non-  of  laptops,  also  Tech2Go  the  Library  and  staffing  staffing  staffing  Youth  City  the  also  for  testing  mass  21-
                           from  other  and  Board  Library  Expenditures  Development  Library's  from  the  by  firewall  additional  and  for  year  additional  and  for  year  additional  and  for  year  appropriations  and  contracts.  provider  General  in  at Department  Expenditures  contractors  implementation  mandate  and  (C.F.  Roomkey
                        Explanation of Expenditures  reappropriations  reflect  balance  cash  the  by  approved  computers,  for  licenses.  and  Community  the  from  the  support  reappropriations  reflect  approved  balance  purchase  to Commissioners  transfers  reflect  the  during  received  transfers  reflect  the  during  received  transfers  reflect  the  during  received  additional  reflect  Reduction  Gang  finance  service  (GRYD)  annually  budgeted  the  to  transferr


                           Expenditures  Fund  Library  funds designated  Commissioners  subscriptions,  funding  reflect  to  Grant  Block  Hotspot Program.  Expenditures  cash  Fund  Library  of  Board  router replacements.  Expenditures  appropriations  needs.  Expenditures  appropriations  needs.  Expenditures  appropriations  needs.  Expenditures  to transferred  Development  is  funding  GRYD  and  Purposes  of  beginning  payments  reflect  Expenditures  new  a  of  reporting

                     2022-23   Proposed   Budget   10,715,011  $           320,000  $                7,245,520  $             - $                        1,799,210  $             132,899 $                6,534,835  $

            2022-23 PROPOSED BUDGET
                     Amount   Exceeding   Budget   2,230,984  $          1,325,000  $          2,255,288  $          1,500,000  $          6,400,790  $          51,892,101  $        9,066,165  $

                     Estimated   2021-22  Expenditures   11,230,000  $             1,325,000  $              9,182,000  $              1,500,000  $              8,200,000  $              52,025,000  $             16,401,000  $

                     2021-22  Adopted   Budget   8,999,016  $            - $                       6,926,712  $            - $                       1,799,210  $            132,899 $               7,334,835  $

                        Description  Office and Administrative  Furniture, Office, and   Technical Equipment  Salaries General  Grant Reimbursed  Salaries, As-Needed  Contractual Services  Contractual Services

                        Account  006010     007300   001010  001020  001070  003040       003040

                        Department  Library (Continued)  Mayor                            Personnel

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