Page 200 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 200

the        Force  playoff  storage,  clean-up  grant  fund  to  vacancy  and  work  and  work  and  provision  the  budgeted  Zoo
                           during  received  appropriations  associated  costs  Task  Crime  Rams  associated  costs  and  appropriations  community  appropriations  various  special  the  engineering  an  overtime  of  high  to  pandemic  for  funds  facilities  City  for  funds  facilities  City  the  for  and  services  transportation  with  associated
                        Explanation of Expenditures  transfers  reflect  grant  various  reflect  increased  reflect  Violent  a  of  Angeles  Los  the games, Super Bowl, and Championship Parade.  increased  reflect  retention  record  services,  and  transfers  reflect  graffiti,  additional activities, and homeless encampment clean-ups.  additional  reflect  including  year  the  from  transfers  and  include  that  use  increased  reflect  due  levels  service  COVID-19  the  addr


                           Expenditures  year for staffing needs.  Expenditures  received during the year.  Expenditures  deployment  the  with  of  support  and  Expenditures  security  with and software license and fees.   Expenditures  for  received  Expenditures  during transferred  appropriations  accounts  project  component.  Expenditures  current  maintain  to  and  rates the Hyperion wastewater spill.  Expenditures  solid  to  related  Expenditures  solid  to  related  Expen

                     2022-23   Proposed   Budget   1,261,561,483  44,821,197  188,898,080  56,420,015  17,629,866  103,042,129  10,257,832  30,841,981  6,702,377  17,433,663  887,850

                           $      $           $         $           $           $         $           $           $             $           $
            2022-23 PROPOSED BUDGET
                     Amount   Exceeding   Budget   17,343,288  $        1,318,041  $          34,018,128  $        2,686,940  $          10,041,134  $        1,561,993  $          20,151,753  $        1,911,702  $          1,685,850  $          2,736,337  $          1,515,150  $

                     Estimated   2021-22  Expenditures   1,252,168,000  $        8,887,000  $              171,920,000  $           51,086,000  $             35,929,000  $             99,518,000  $             29,973,000  $             27,598,000  $             7,635,000  $              20,235,000  $             2,403,000  $

                     2021-22  Adopted   Budget   1,234,824,712  7,568,959  137,901,872  48,399,060  25,887,866  97,956,007  9,821,247  25,686,298  5,949,150  17,498,663  887,850

                           $     $            $        $          $          $          $            $          $            $          $

                        Description  Salaries Sworn  Overtime General  Overtime Sworn  Contractual Services  Contractual Services  Salaries General  Overtime General  Contractual Services  Operating Supplies  Overtime General  Contractual Services

                        Account  001012  001090  001092  003040  003040  001010  001090  003040  006020  001090  003040

                        Department                 Board of Public   Bureau of Sanitation   Transportation

                           Police                    Works  Bureau of   Engineering                  Zoo

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