Page 195 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 195

senior supplemental  from  funding  of expansion  as encumbrances  appropriations  services,  various  planning  and  the  for  services  appropriations  of replacement  Census  the  the  in  item  salary,  the  expenses  Commission  District  School  of  transfer  and  active  for  and  Plan  General  the  unanticipated  the  during  services  additional  appropriations  staffing  for

                        Explanation of Expenditures  for  costs  reflect  additional  and  services  the  for  Balance the Senior Meals Program (C.F. 22-0080).  year  prior  reflect  and  transfers  for  year  the  housing  homeless  assurance  quality Human Resources and Payroll Project.  additional  reflect  the  for  year  the the Criminal Case Management System software.  from  transfers  reflect  line Commissions  fund  to  Balance  administrative  and  services,  Redistricting


                           Expenditures  delivery  meal  Unappropriated  the  Expenditures  additional  as  well  during  received  for  including  and  services,  Expenditures  during  transferred  Expenditures  Redistricting  2020  Unappropriated  contractual  City  LA  the  of  Los  the  and Redistricting Commission.  Expenditures  replace  to  funds  for  contracts  Community Plans.  Expenditures  Expenditures  and expenditures  include  which  year,  Expenditures  during  transf

                     2022-23   Proposed   Budget   2,690,382  $             2,281,849  $             1,509,269  $             425,089 $                6,625,117  $             35,000 $                  9,915,351  $             17,408,743  $

            2022-23 PROPOSED BUDGET
                     Amount   Exceeding   Budget   11,444,618  $        6,759,151  $          2,148,731  $          1,477,911  $          5,113,058  $          5,000,000  $          4,924,004  $          11,676,207  $

                     Estimated   2021-22  Expenditures   14,135,000  $             7,641,000  $              3,658,000  $              1,838,000  $              14,104,000  $             5,035,000  $              12,651,000  $             28,000,000  $

                     2021-22  Adopted   Budget   2,690,382  $            881,849 $               1,509,269  $            360,089 $               8,990,942  $            35,000  $                 7,726,996  $            16,323,793  $

                        Description  Contractual Services  Contractual Services  Contractual Services  Contractual Services  Contractual Services  Contractual Services  Contractual Services  Salaries, As-Needed

                        Account  003040  003040   003040  003040         003040   003040  003040  001070

                        Department   City Administrative                                  Investment for

                           Aging       Officer     City Attorney  City Clerk  City Planning  City Tourism  Community   Families  Council

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