Municipal Facilities Committee
- January 30, 2020 MFC Meeting Agenda
- Item 1a: Meeting Minutes Final (11/21/19)
- Item 1b: Meeting Minutes Final (12/19/19)
- Item 2: Request authority to negotiate and execute purchase of 740 and 800 E. 111th Pl for a Dept. of Transportation Bus Maintenance Facility
- Item 3: LADBS Report Request for Tenant Improvements at Fig Plaza (8th & 10th) 1.17.20
- Item 4: CAO Proposed Direct Sale of the Property located at 18825 W. Edleen Drive, Tarzana, CA 91356 (APN 2176-026-904)
- Item 5: Request For Exempt Surplus Land Declaration & notification of direct sale for OPLA Properties adjacent to 2215, 2251, 2301, 229, 2311 & 2315 Beverwil DR
- Item 6: Request For Exempt Surplus Land Declaration for Various Own a Piece of Los Angeles Properties in compliance with new state law
- Item 7: CAO Report and Status Update on Space Assignments for Planning and Cultural Affairs - January 2020
- Item 8: FY 2019-20 3rd Quarter Space Optimization Report
- Item 9: Tinker Toy Lot
- Item 10: MFC Report Channel 35 01212020
- Item 11: Bridge Housing Lease at 14333 Aetna St.
- Item 12: Taylor Yard G2 Status Report_Oct-Dec 2019