Page 479 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 479
Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund
2019-20 2020-21
Adopted Budget Proposed Budget
Transportation - Funds are provided for striping of streets, the $ 4,377,812 $ 4,008,334
maintenance of traffic signals, and support for street projects.
Subtotal Departmental Appropriations $ 76,717,135 $ 58,363,125
Capital Improvement Expenditure Program - Funds are provided to - 500,000
address street related project shortfalls.
Concrete Streets - Funds are provided for the reconstruction of 4,572,165 -
concrete streets citywide.
Reimbursement of General Fund Costs - Funds are provided to 23,029,804 39,592,674
reimburse the General Fund for fringe, central services, and
department administration and support.
Subtotal Special Purpose Fund Appropriations $ 27,601,104 $ 40,092,674
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 104,319,104 $ 98,455,799
Enacted in 2017, SB 1, “The Road Repair and Accountability Act,” provides funding to cities and counties to address
basic road maintenance, rehabilitation, and critical safety needs on the state highway system and the local street
and road system. SB 1 increases per gallon fuel excise taxes, diesel fuel sales taxes and vehicle registration fees,
and provides inflationary adjustments to fuel tax rates in future years.
Pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 2030, the use of SB 1 funds includes, but is not limited to the
Road maintenance and rehabilitation;
Safety projects;
Railroad grade separations;
Complete street components, including active transportation purposes, pedestrian and bicycle safety
projects, transit facilities, and drainage and stormwater capture projects in conjunction with any other
allowable project; and,
Traffic control devices.
In order to receive the upcoming fiscal year’s apportionment of SB1 fund, the City must annually adopt and submit
a planned list of projects to be funded with SB 1 funds, no later than May 1 of any given year, to the California
Transportation Committee (CTC). In addition, the City must submit an annual report of street or road expenditures
made during the preceding fiscal year to the CTC no later than October 1 of the following year.