Page 480 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 480
Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund
Capital Improvement Expenditure Program – Funds are provided for 31 street-related projects, including
two flood control projects and two street lighting projects to improve the safety of pedestrians and vehicles.
Road repair and rehabilitation – Funds are provided to reconstruct failed pavement, reconstruct concrete
streets, and prevent further deterioration in the overall condition of the City street system by performing
resurfacing, slurry sealing, or asphalt repairs.
Sidewalk Repair – Funds are provided to repair sidewalks condition to provide a safe pedestrian travel and
to safely separate vehicular and pedestrian traffic in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
Vision Zero Projects – Funds are provided for street safety projects along Vision Zero High Injury Network
corridors, including traffic signal installations, speed feedback sign installation and maintenance, and
pedestrian refuge island implementation.
2019-20 2020-21
Adopted Budget Proposed Budget
Cash Balance Available, July 1 $ 14,914,118 $ 82,428,778
Prior Year’s Unexpended Appropriation 12,465,552 78,745,102
$ 2,448,566 $ 3,683,676
State Gasoline Tax – SB 1 67,107,000 67,119,200
Interest 300,000 1,250,000
Total Receipts $ 67,407,000 $ 68,369,200
Total Available Balance $ 69,855,566 $ 72,052,876