Page 482 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 482

Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund

                                                                                   2019-20             2020-21
                                                                               Adopted Budget     Proposed Budget

              Vision Zero Citywide Flashing Beacons - Funds were provided to      $    2,000,000    $               -
              install flashing beacons, as a safety measure, along Vision Zero High
              Injury Network (HIN) corridors.

              Vision Zero Concrete Improvements - Funds were provided for the           5,000,000                   -
              repair of concrete streets citywide.

              Vision Zero  Corridor Projects* - Funds are provided for street safety           -          8,701,450
              projects  along HIN  corridors, including speed feedback  sign
              installation and maintenance and pedestrian refuge island
              implementation as needed.
              Vision Zero Traffic Signals* - Funds are provided to install traffic     9,250,000          6,771,511
              signals along HIN corridors and reduce the backlog of traffic signals.

              Vision Zero Traffic Signals Support - Funds are provided for the          364,060             332,584
              Bureau of Street Lighting to support the traffic signal construction
              workload for new traffic signals citywide.

                                 Subtotal Special Purpose Fund Appropriations     $     69,806,131   $        71,979,609

                                                    TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS         $   69,855,566    $     72,052,876

            * A total of $36,456,837 will not be authorized until January 1, 2021 for the following items, contingent upon the
            receipt SB1 revenues: $13,454,675 in capital improvement projects (see Capital Improvement Expenditure Program
            - Physical Plant), $1,258,741 in  Concrete Streets,  $3,512,623 in Failed Street Reconstruction, $11,759,287 in
            Pavement Preservation Program, $900,000 in Sidewalk Repair Contractual Services, $600,000 in Sidewalk Repair
            Engineering  Consulting Services, $500,000 in Sidewalk Repair  Incentive Program, $2,700,000 in Vision Zero
            Corridor Projects, and $1,771,511 in Vision Zero Traffic Signal.

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