Page 524 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 524
Homeless Budget
Adopted Proposed
Budget Budget
2019-20 2020-21
Proposition HHH
281,340,750 Construction of Permanent Supportive Housing 179,033,312
-- Homeless Services Facilities 78,113
-- Occupancy Monitoring Contract 35,904
281,340,750 Proposition HHH Subtotal 179,147,329
$ 425,890,703 Total Appropriations $ 399,686,962
$ 2,651,759 Ending Balance, June 30 $ --
1Departmental Special Funds include: Planning Case Processing Fund, Community Development Trust Fund, Community Service Trust Fund, the
Federal Emergency Solutions Grant Fund, and the Recreation and Parks Other Revenue Fund.
2The Additional Homeless Services (formerly Crisis and Bridge Housing Fund) is jointly administered by the Mayor and City Council.
3The 2019-20 General Fund appropriation for LAHSA is reduced to reflect the agency's anticipated underspend of $2,651,759, which is being used to
offset its 2020-21 General Fund appropriation.