Page 525 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 525


               The 2020-21 Proposed Budget provides street improvement resources through the Pavement Preservation
               Program, the new Failed  Street Reconstruction Program, and the Complete  Streets Program. These
               programs help maintain and improve 6,500 centerline miles (23,000 lane miles) of streets throughout the
               City and are described in the following pages. The 2020-21 Proposed Budget for these street improvement
               programs is summarized as follows:

                                          2020-21 Street Improvement Program Summary

                                 Program                                 Proposed Funding
                                 Pavement Preservation                   $             141,396,213
                                 Failed Street Reconstruction            $              22,326,192
                                 Complete Streets                        $                5,346,801
                                                                   Total $             169,069,207


               The Pavement Preservation Program includes activities required to properly maintain the City street system
               and keep the system from deteriorating. The Program is led by the Bureau of Street Services with support
               provided by the Department of  Transportation, Bureau  of Engineering, and Department of General

               The 2020-21 Proposed Budget for the Pavement Preservation Program is summarized as follows:

                                                            2020-21 Pavement Preservation
                                                      Public Works
                        Funding by Source      Street Services  Engineering  Transportation  GSD      Total
                                  Special Gas Tax          28,445,930 $            371,142 $         2,308,599 $         1,995,692 $       33,121,363
                                     Proposition A               458,146                         -                         -                         -               458,146
                                     Proposition C                         -                         -            5,713,445               485,774            6,199,219
                        Street Damage Restoration Fee          29,187,348               380,164                         -            7,274,422          36,841,934
                       Stormwater Pollution Abatement               363,477                         -                         -                         -               363,477
                                      Measure R          18,990,941                         -            3,613,893            1,476,680          24,081,514
                                      Measure M            2,962,511                         -            1,171,000                         -            4,133,511
                SB 1 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation          23,996,188                         -                         -                         -          23,996,188
                                     General Fund                         -            1,281,315          10,662,143               257,403          12,200,861
                                          Total $      104,404,541 $         2,032,621 $       23,469,080 $       11,489,971 $      141,396,213

               Pavement preservation activity consists of the following:

                      Resurfacing: Crews remove a layer of the asphalt surface and then repave with new asphalt that
                       may include up to 50 percent recycled content.

                      Slurry sealing: Crews apply liquid asphalt made with recycled waste tires to the riding surface of
                       residential streets.  This thin coat of rubberized material prevents water intrusion and can extend
                       the service life of the existing pavement by up to seven years. Slurry seal can be applied at intervals
                       of three to seven years during the life of the road surface.

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