Page 18 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 18

Personal Income
               The U.S. Census Bureau defines personal income as the income received by all persons from all sources,
               and is the sum of “net earnings,” rental income, dividend income, interest income, and transfer receipts.
               “Net earnings” is defined as wage and salary, supplements to wages and salaries, and proprietors’ income,
               less contributions for government social insurance, before deduction of personal income and other taxes.
               Table 5 summarizes the latest available estimate of personal income for the County, State and United

                                                           Table 5
                                        COUNTY, STATE AND U.S. PERSONAL INCOME

                                                                                            Per Capita
                                                      Personal Income                    Personal Income
                  Year and Area                     (thousands of dollars)                   (dollars)

                    County                               $    524,858,923                    $52,233
                    State                                 2,021,038,500                       52,324
                    United States                        14,982,715,000                       47,058

                    County                               $    560,086,671                    $55,470
                    State                                 2,171,947,400                       55,758
                    United States                        15,709,242,000                       48,978

                    County                               $    578,154,382                    $57,127
                    State                                 2,263,889,800                       57,739
                    United States                        16,111,636,000                       49,870

                    County                               $    597,597,564                    $59,058
                    State                                 2,370,112,400                       60,156
                    United States                        16,870,106,000                       51,885

                    County                               $   628,808,732                     $62,224
                    State                                 2,514,129,300                       63,557
                    United States                        17,813,035,000                       54,446

                  (1)  Per capita personal income was computed using Census Bureau midyear population estimates. Per capita personal
                  income is total personal income divided by total midyear population. Estimates for 2014 to 2018 reflect county population
                  estimates as of March 2019.
                  (2)  Last updated: November 14, 2019– new statistics for 2018; revised statistics for 2014 – 2017.
                  (3)  Last updated: September 24, 2019; revised statistics for 2014 - 2018.

                  Source:  U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, “Table CA1 Personal Income Summary.”
                         U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, “Table SA1 Personal Income Summary.”

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