Page 192 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 192

Bureau of Street Lighting

           This Bureau provides engineering design, construction, maintenance, and repair of the City's Street Lighting System;
           maintains adequate roadway and sidewalk illumination for vehicular and pedestrian safety; prepares specifications,
           Ordinance of Intention, and cost estimates for new installations and maintenance assessments for operation of all street
           lights in the Los Angeles City Lighting District; administers the development of street lighting financed by the basic
           Assessment Act procedures; spreads the cost of special assessments processed by the City in accordance with state
           laws and City street lighting construction and maintenance ordinances; provides assessment advisory services to the
           City Council and its Public Works Committee; evaluates petitions for street lighting in accordance with the 1911
           Improvement Act and provides technical services to other agencies; and participates in the development and application
           of national illumination standards.

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures     Budget       Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                    2020-21

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

              25,011,004     31,406,660    30,359,000 Salaries General                                  26,669,832
               2,922,720       836,000        836,000 Overtime General                                     831,000
               2,026,102      1,893,486     1,893,000 Hiring Hall Salaries                               2,333,815
               1,721,059      1,545,706     1,546,000 Benefits Hiring Hall                               1,729,092

              31,680,885     35,681,852    34,634,000 Total Salaries                                    31,563,739

                 11,449         12,500         13,000 Printing and Binding                                  12,500
                 15,393              -              - Travel                                                     -
                420,345        338,400        338,000 Contractual Services                                 338,400
                  3,368         10,000         10,000 Field Equipment Expense                               10,000
                  6,500          1,000          1,000 Transportation                                         1,000
                402,598        408,514        408,000 Office and Administrative                            408,514
               2,099,881      1,710,050     1,710,000 Operating Supplies                                 2,505,150
               2,959,534      2,480,464     2,480,000 Total Expense                                      3,275,564

                      -          1,000          1,000 Furniture, Office, and Technical Equipment             1,000

                      -          1,000          1,000 Total Equipment                                        1,000
               6,596,313       980,000        980,000 St. Lighting Improvements and Supplies             4,884,830

               6,596,313       980,000        980,000 Total Special                                      4,884,830

              41,236,732     39,143,316    38,095,000 Total Bureau of Street Lighting                   39,725,133

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