Page 196 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 196

Bureau of Street Services

              Actual       Adopted       Estimated                                                       Total
           Expenditures     Budget      Expenditures                                                    Budget
             2018-19        2019-20       2019-20                                                       2020-21
                                                   SOURCES OF FUNDS

              47,631,441     48,689,470    48,678,000 General Fund                                       21,978,280
              51,892,796     61,308,755    61,308,000 Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund (Sch. 5)          44,166,436
                                                      Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program
               4,765,292             -              -                                                            -
                                                      Special (Sch. 5)
               5,552,857      5,907,165     5,909,000 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund (Sch. 7)        5,401,816
                 120,198             -              - Community Development Trust Fund (Sch. 8)                  -
                   3,496             -              - Sewer Operations & Maintenance Fund (Sch. 14)              -
                                                      Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund (Sch.
               2,562,440      2,284,256     2,284,000                                                     2,109,174
               7,605,805      9,385,942     9,386,000 Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Fund (Sch. 27)  11,135,968
                 100,000             -              - Bridge Improvement Program Cash (Sch. 29)                  -
                 172,175             -              - CLARTS Community Amenities Fund (Sch. 29)                  -
                  25,215             -              - Council District 4 Real Property Trust Fund (Sch. 29)      -
                 109,742             -              - Council District 10 Real Property Trust Fund (Sch. 29)     -
                 211,516             -              - CRA Non-Housing Bond Proceeds Fund (Sch. 29)               -
                  98,789             -              - Engineering Special Service Fund (Sch. 29)                 -
                 134,107             -              - Fire Department Special Training Fund (Sch. 29)            -
                 611,347             -              - Public Works Trust Fund (Sch. 29)                          -
                       -             -              - Sidewalk and Park Vending Trust Fund (Sch. 29)      2,117,451
                  91,242             -              - State AB1290 City Fund (Sch. 29)                           -
                 585,571             -              - Street Furniture Revenue Fund (Sch. 29)                    -
                 846,070             -              - Subventions and Grants (Sch. 29)                           -
                                                      Sunshine Canyon Community Amenities Fund (Sch.
                 777,077             -              -                                                            -
               2,527,398             -              - Transportation Grants Fund (Sch. 29)                       -
                 342,000             -              - Trust of Floor Area Ratio Public Benefits (Sch. 29)        -
                                                      El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument Fund
                   3,564             -              -                                                            -
                                                      (Sch. 43)
              23,576,596     34,822,010    34,823,000 Street Damage Restoration Fee Fund (Sch. 47)       37,953,421
              25,058,522     25,920,855    25,923,000 Measure R Local Return Fund (Sch. 49)              24,202,956
               9,003,644      8,713,382     8,715,000 Sidewalk Repair Fund (Sch. 51)                      8,052,889
              12,222,512     11,827,082    11,830,000 Measure M Local Return Fund (Sch. 52)              10,487,806
             196,631,412    208,858,917   208,856,000 Total Funds                                       167,606,197

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