Page 197 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 197

Bureau of Street Services
                                                  SUPPORTING DATA
                             DISTRIBUTION OF 2020-21 TOTAL COST OF PROGRAMS

                                                BC8602        BI8603        BI8604       CA8605        CA8606
                                              Investigation   Street      Street Tree   Maintaining   Pavement
                                                 and         Sweeping     and Parkway     Streets     Preservation
                                              Enforcement                 Maintenance
           Salaries                               6,740,897     7,935,310    15,372,742    10,929,922   24,625,684

           Expense                                 439,331      3,219,622     4,380,259    2,434,692    56,836,279
           Equipment                                    -             -             -             -             -
           Special                                      -             -             -             -             -

           Total Departmental Budget              7,180,228    11,154,932    19,753,001    13,364,614   81,461,963

           Support Program Allocation              446,061       852,993       970,378     1,361,659     2,754,621

           Related and Indirect Costs
           Pensions and Retirement                1,664,483     3,182,958     3,620,980    5,081,052    10,278,910
           Human Resources Benefits               1,245,804     2,382,329     2,710,172    3,802,984     7,693,392

           Water and Electricity                   225,748       431,694       491,101       689,126     1,394,093
           Building Services                        93,831       179,430       204,122       286,429       579,443
           Other Department Related Costs         2,703,187     5,169,254     5,880,619    8,251,836    16,693,369
           Capital Finance and Wastewater          312,164       596,946       679,094       952,923     1,927,752

           Bond Interest and Redemption                 -             -             -             -             -
           Liability Claims                       3,131,114     5,987,565     6,811,542    9,558,132    19,335,991

           Judgement Obligation Bond Debt Service       -             -             -             -             -
           Other Special Purpose Allocations            -             -             -             -             -
           Non-Department Allocations               61,139       116,914       133,003       186,634       377,558
           Subtotal Related Costs                 9,437,470    18,047,090    20,530,633    28,809,116   58,280,508

           Cost Allocated to Other Departments          -             -             -             -             -

           Total Cost of Program                 17,063,759    30,055,015    41,254,012    43,535,389   142,497,092

           Positions                                   57           109           124           174           352

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