Page 195 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 195

Bureau of Street Services

           The Bureau's objective is to enhance public safety, mobility, health, and neighborhood quality of life by revitalizing the
           streetscape.  Its three outcome goals are to (i) improve the quality of the road surface, (ii) maintain a safe, clean and
           green public right-of-way, and (iii) build streetscape improvements.  The four core programs that support these outcome
           goals are Pavement Preservation, Urban Forestry, Motorized Street Sweeping, and Enforcement.  Pavement
           Preservation includes resurfacing, slurry seal, small asphalt repairs, and the Pavement Management System, which
           maintains a comprehensive database of road surface conditions throughout the city.  Urban Forestry includes the
           management and care of street trees and landscaped median islands and the issuance of permits relating to trees on
           both public and private property.  Motorized Street Sweeping is primarily focused on posted routes in which sweeping
           occurs on a weekly basis.  The Bureau's Investigation and Enforcement Division issues a wide variety of permits
           relating to construction and special events taking place within the public right-of-way and responds to complaints
           regarding violation of city codes including illegal dumping, vending, and water discharge.  The Bureau's Engineering
           and Special Projects divisions use a design-build approach to construct streetscape improvements, including curb
           ramps, bus pads, median islands, bikeways, and customized streetscape improvements, in response to community
           needs.  The Bureau also enforces the weed abatement ordinance on private, unimproved parcels outside of the high
           fire severity zone.

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures     Budget       Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                    2020-21

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS


              82,040,435    101,333,389    98,732,000 Salaries General                                  84,865,979
              13,134,544     11,537,313    12,540,000 Overtime General                                   8,679,539
               2,807,977       785,296      1,685,000 Hiring Hall Salaries                                 785,296
               1,264,232       364,232      1,064,000 Benefits Hiring Hall                                 364,232
                     66              -              - Overtime Hiring Hall                                       -

              99,247,254    114,020,230   114,021,000 Total Salaries                                    94,695,046
                 55,267        121,172        123,000 Printing and Binding                                  67,272
                 72,181              -              - Travel                                                     -
              60,485,304     53,599,647    53,600,000 Construction Expense                              51,237,783
              23,249,337     26,348,520    26,350,000 Contractual Services                              11,017,924
                251,533        745,794        688,000 Field Equipment Expense                              735,565
                186,242        472,244        473,000 Transportation                                       436,244
                208,794        838,751        839,000 Utilities Expense Private Company                    838,751
                171,445        234,811        235,000 Uniforms                                             161,110
               1,435,310      1,600,041     1,600,000 Office and Administrative                          1,264,509
              11,268,745     10,877,707    10,927,000 Operating Supplies                                 7,151,993

              97,384,158     94,838,687    94,835,000 Total Expense                                     72,911,151

             196,631,412    208,858,917   208,856,000 Total Bureau of Street Services                  167,606,197

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