Page 199 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 199


           This Department is responsible for the development of plans to meet the ground transportation needs of the traveling
           public and commerce; it has centralized authority over the conceptual planning and operation of the City's streets and
           highways system; and it provides a primary interface with other governmental agencies on transportation matters. The
           Department studies parking and traffic needs; provides for the installation and maintenance of traffic signs, signals,
           parking meters, street name signs, and other transportation control devices; controls traffic and pedestrian movement at
           all intersections; enforces parking rules and regulations and accounts for all revenue therefrom; coordinates the
           development of off-street parking; oversees crossing guard services; provides public utility regulation through
           investigation of services and rates of the privately owned public utilities; regulates the rates and services of taxicabs,
           ambulances, and sightseeing vehicles, and issues permits to drivers of public transportation vehicles; prepares and
           enforces provisions of franchises; and audits franchise payments.

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures     Budget       Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                    2020-21

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

             107,201,702    144,999,487   128,143,000 Salaries General                                 129,167,115
               6,576,712      9,144,825     8,094,000 Salaries, As-Needed                                9,492,290
              17,978,741      7,922,332    23,321,000 Overtime General                                  17,788,663
             131,757,155    162,066,644   159,558,000 Total Salaries                                   156,448,068

                 27,891        188,685        187,000 Printing and Binding                                 188,685
                 71,327              -        109,000 Travel                                                     -
                  4,249          4,560          4,000 Construction Expense                                   4,560
              18,019,804     19,301,025    19,163,000 Contractual Services                              18,721,025
                142,296        731,725        806,000 Field Equipment Expense                              396,725
                 86,127        140,280        140,000 Transportation                                       140,280
                 59,850         95,000         95,000 Utilities Expense Private Company                     95,000
               2,721,228      3,179,077     3,178,000 Paint and Sign Maintenance and Repairs             3,179,077
                564,874        406,150        405,000 Signal Supplies and Repairs                          406,150
                 48,043        224,345        224,000 Uniforms                                             146,095
                761,922        535,625        780,000 Office and Administrative                            555,625
                102,086         91,760        160,000 Operating Supplies                                    91,760

              22,609,697     24,898,232    25,251,000 Total Expense                                     23,924,982

                  1,040              -              - Transportation Equipment                                   -
                  1,040              -              - Total Equipment                                            -

             154,367,892    186,964,876   184,809,000 Total Transportation                             180,373,050

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