Page 456 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 456

Fiscal year 2021

               My office is now presenting revenue projections for fiscal year 2021 as a range of possibilities with
               higher, middle and lower values attributed to each revenue stream. We are using ranges because
               the economic situation is uncertain and could remain so for months. It is unclear exactly when and
               how our economy will rebound and return to a state of normalcy. All estimates depend on what
               happens in the future — the higher values should not be considered a “best case” scenario and the
               lower values should not be considered a “worst case” scenario — these simply reflect estimates
               based on varying assumptions of the severity of the recession.

               We currently project that General Fund receipts in 2021 will come in somewhere within the range of
               $6.22 billion and $6.62 billion, between $194 million and $598 million less than the $6.82 billion
               originally projected. Unless travel and business activity rebounds considerably, we will experience
               another slow year for TOT and significant drops in Business Tax, Sales Tax, and Parking Tax —
               roughly similar to what was experienced during the Great Recession from 2008 to 2010. Business
               Tax receipts will likely drop between eight and 12 percent, bringing in $55 million to $85 million less
               than projected. If any “tax holidays” are implemented, the actual receipts will be even lower.

                                       Previous        Higher          Middle          Lower      Revision to
                Revenue                Estimate      Revision        Revision        Revision         Middle

                Property Tax            $2.397B       $2.397B         $2.383B         $2.338B         $(14M)

                Utility Users Tax        $645M          $634M          $622M           $609M          $(23M)

                Licenses, Permits,      $1.241B        $1.25B           $1.2B           $1.1B         $(41M)
                Fees and Fines

                Business Tax             $690M          $635M          $620M           $605M          $(70M)
                Sales Tax                $627M          $590M          $575M           $560M          $(52M)

                Transient                $325M          $275M          $262M           $245M          $(63M)
                Occupancy Tax

                Documentary              $224M          $200M          $180M           $160M          $(44M)
                Transfer Tax
                Parking Occupancy        $127M          $105M          $100M            $95M          $(27M)
                Parking Fines            $135M          $130M          $120M           $100M          $(15M)

                Other Revenues           $179M          $179M          $179M           $179M              —

                Total General           $6.815B       $6.621B         $6.467B        $6.217B         $(348M)

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