Page 461 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 461


               This Revenue Forecast Report for the City of Los Angeles provides revenue
               estimates for fiscal years 2019-20 and 2020-21 in advance of the upcoming
               budget process. Also included are the estimated requirements for debt service
               and General Fund cash flow borrowing. The Forecast is issued pursuant to the
               Controller’s City Charter mandate to monitor and report on all matters relating
               to the City’s fiscal health, to keep the City’s official financial records, and to
               supervise City expenditures.

               An online interactive tool for exploring the Forecast, with 10 years of data,
               may be found at Open data for all City
               financials is available online at  ControlPanelLA (,
               including  regularly-updated  information  on General and Special Fund

               Financial Outlook
               According to  the  UCLA  Anderson  Forecast’s  December 2019  report,  the
               national economy is expected to continue the 2% rate of growth through this

               year and next. California is currently growing at approximately 2.6% annually.
               The unemployment rate has fallen to 3.9%, a rate generally considered at or
               close to full employment. Unemployment within the City of Los Angeles is not
               as low as the statewide figure, but that rate continues to fall as well. Real
               personal income growth is forecasted to be 2.1% and 1.9% in 2020 and 2021.
               Los Angeles County will likely continue its long-term shift from production-
               based industries like manufacturing to service-based industries, with major
               growth in professional business services, health care and hospitality. Major
               investments in public transit systems will continue to support strong economic

               growth, although any lack of near-term mitigation of housing prices and the
               homelessness crisis may limit what is otherwise likely to be strong output and
               wage growth.

                                              With this environment and assumptions in mind, we
                    General Fund Receipts (billions)  currently estimate 2019-20 General Fund revenues
                                              to  be  $6.61  billion,  0.7  percent above the $6.57
                            $6.61             billion  2019-20  Adopted Budget  and 6.0 percent
                                              greater than the prior year. Total 2020-21 General
                                              Fund  revenues are projected  to  be  $6.82  billion,
                    FY20    FY20    FY21      $210 million (3.2 percent) more than the 2019-20
                   Budget  Estimate  Projection  estimates.

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