Page 466 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 466

Revenue Forecast Report

                                                       EXHIBIT 3

                                 GENERAL FUND ECONOMY-SENSITIVE REVENUES
                                               YEAR-TO-YEAR CHANGES
                                         (All graphs presented in thousands)

              Property Tax     • Fiscal Year 2019-20

                                Total property  tax  receipts  are             Property Tax
                                estimated  $2.15  billion  which  is
                                $35.7  million  (1.7%)  above  the                             $2,301,647
                                budgeted  amount,  mainly  due  to
                                higher  than  anticipated  current
                                secured property tax revenue.          $2,115,611   $2,151,292
                               • Fiscal Year 2020-21
                                Total property  tax  receipts  are
                                projected  to  increase  by  $150.4
                                million  (7.0%)  and  reach  $2.30    FY 2019-20   FY2019-20   FY2020-21
                                billion.                               Adopted     Estimated   Projected
                                                                        Budget      Reciepts    Receipts

              Utility Users’  • Fiscal Year 2019-20
              Tax               Electric users’ tax receipts are
              (Electrical,      estimated to be $453 million based
              Telephone,        on  year-to-date  collection  trend,         Utility User's Tax
              and Gas)          reflecting   the  approved  rate
                                Telephone  users’  tax  receipts  are     $63,325     $71,826      $64,169
                                estimated to be $133 million based
                                on average 3 years collection trend.     $141,400     $132,789     $117,846
                                Gas   users’  tax  receipts  are
                                estimated to be  $72 million  based
                                on collection to date, and reduced
                                by  $1.9  million  Lavinsky  case
                                payment.                                 $447,440     $452,682     $462,641
                               • Fiscal Year 2020-21
                                Electric users’ tax receipts are
                                estimated to be $463 million, 2.2%
                                increase  due  to  DWP  Retail  Rate
                                Change.                                  FY 2019-20  FY2019-20    FY2020-21
                                Telephone  users’  tax  receipts  are    Adopted      Estimated   Projected
                                estimated to be $118 million based        Budget      Reciepts     Receipts
                                on average 3 years collection trend.
                                Gas   users’  tax  receipts  are
                                estimated  to  be  $64  million  at   Electric user's Tax  Telephone user's Tax  Gas user's Tax
                                current  year’s  level,  reduced  by
                                $7.7 million Lavinsky case payment.
               Revenue F orecast Report

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