Page 468 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 468

Revenue Forecast Report

               TOT  –  Short-  • Fiscal Year 2019-20
               term Rentals      $57 million estimate is based
                                 year-to-date  collection  trend,       TOT - Short Term Rentals
                                 reduced by  20.27%  for  the                                   $60,000
                                 second half of the fiscal year due
                                 to   Home    Sharing   Policy                     $57,000
                                 enforcement.                          $54,620
                               • Fiscal Year 2020-21
                                 Projected  $60  million  assumes
                                 the  same 3.05% growth  from        FY 2019-20   FY2019-20    FY2020-21
                                 estimated  2019-20   as  the
                                 regular TOT growth rate.             Adopted     Estimated    Projected
                                                                       Budget      Reciepts     Receipts

               Documentary     • Fiscal Year 2019-20
               Transfer Tax      Current  year  $220    million
                                 estimate is based  on  year-to-       Documentary Transfer Tax
                                 date collection trend.                                         $224,076
                               • Fiscal Year 2020-21                               $219,682
                                 $224 million projection assumes
                                 2% growth over 2019-20.               $211,960

                                                                     FY 2019-20   FY2019-20   FY2020-21

                                                                      Adopted     Estimated   Projected
                                                                       Budget      Reciepts    Receipts

               Parking Users’  • Fiscal Year 2019-20
               Tax               The estimated receipts  of  $123
                                 million is based on year-to-date          Parking Users' Tax
                                 collection trend.
                               •  Fiscal Year 2020-21                                          $126,617
                                 The projected  $127  million is       $121,900    $123,093
                                 based on 2.9%  3 year average
                                 increase of  2019-20  estimated
                                                                     FY 2019-20  FY2019-20   FY2020-21
                                                                      Adopted    Estimated   Projected

                                                                       Budget     Reciepts    Receipts


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