Page 470 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 470
Revenue Forecast Report
Licenses, Permits, Fees and Fines
For purposes of analysis, Licenses, Permits, Fees and Fines (LPFF) revenues,
which represents 19 percent of the Adopted Budget General Fund receipts,
are broken into four sub-categories: LPFF, Services to Proprietary
Departments, Ambulance Billing, and Reimbursements from Other Funds.
City department services to proprietary departments, such as fire protection,
construction inspection, and City Attorney legal services for Airports, Water
and Power, and Harbor make up the “Services to Proprietary Departments”
category. The “Reimbursement from Other Funds” category consists of special
fund reimbursements for costs that are paid for by the General Fund for central
services such as payroll, leasing and fleet, and fringe benefits such as health
insurance and retirement, as well as reimbursements to the City from other
governmental agencies such as Metro and LAUSD, for services like policing
and election administration. Ambulance Billing represents cost recovery for
emergency transport provided by the Fire Department. The remaining
revenues consist of fees for special services such as animal licenses,
engineering permits, fire brush clearance fees, as well as numerous other
smaller revenues.
Exhibit 4 presents the budgeted and estimated 2019-20 and projected 2020-
21 LPFF revenues by category.
(amounts expressed in thousands)
Controller March 1, 2020
Adopted Estimated Receipts
Budget FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
Licenses, Permits, Fees and Fines $ 287,818 $ 294,240 $ 294,521
Emergency Ambulance 94,523 90,482 90,000
Services to Proprietary Departments 185,711 175,443 191,657
Reimbursement from Other Funds 658,830 633,692 664,556
Total Licenses, Permits, Fees
and Fines $ 1,226,882 $ 1,193,857 $ 1,240,734
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