Page 465 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 465

Revenue Forecast Report

               Economy-Sensitive General Fund Revenues

               The seven major revenue sources  considered  “Economy-Sensitive”  include
               property tax, utility users’ tax, business tax, sales tax, transient occupancy
               tax,  documentary  transfer  tax, and  parking  users’  tax.  Together, they
               represent more than 70 percent of General Fund revenues.

               Exhibit 2 presents the City’s economy-sensitive General Fund receipts in the
               2019-20  Adopted Budget, and the Controller’s estimates for  2019-20  and

                                                        EXHIBIT 2

                               GENERAL FUND ECONOMY-SENSITIVE REVENUES
                                    (dollar amounts expressed in thousands)

                                                                                         % Change over
                                          Adopted       Controller's March 1, 2020           2019-20
                                           Budget           Estimated Receipts          Adopted Budget
                                          2019-20        2019-20         2020-21       2019-20    2020-21
                    Tax Receipts             (a)             (b)             (c)       (b) / (a)   (c) / (a)
                Property                $    2,115,611  $    2,151,292  $    2,301,647  1.69%       8.79%
                Utility Users'                   652,165           657,297           644,656  0.79%  -1.15%
                Business                         657,150           664,306           689,992  1.09%  5.00%
                Sales                            589,790           604,188           626,543  2.44%  6.23%
                Transient Occupancy              326,620           320,917           331,969  -1.75%  1.64%
                Documentary Transfer           211,960           219,682           224,076  3.64%   5.72%
                Parking Users'                   121,900           123,093           126,617  0.98%  3.87%
                Total Economy-Sensitive
                  Revenues              $  4,675,196    $  4,740,775    $  4,945,500    1.40%      5.78%
               Note: Property Tax revenue excludes Ex-CRA Property Tax Increment receipts.

               General Fund economy-sensitive revenues are estimated to increase in 2020-
               21  by  5.8  percent  over  the 2019-20  Adopted Budget.  Exhibit  3  presents
               explanations of the estimates of General Fund economy-sensitive revenues
               for 2019-20 and 2020-21.

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