Page 464 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 464

Revenue Forecast Report

               The City is estimated to realize General Fund revenues in the current fiscal
               year of approximately $6.61 billion. This is $43 million (0.65 percent) above
               the  $6.57  billion  2019-20  Adopted Budget, and $376  million (6.0 percent)
               more than the $6.24 billion generated in 2018-19.

               Total 2020-21 General Fund revenues are projected to be $6.82 billion, an
               increase of $210 million (3.2 percent) over 2019-20 estimates. It should be
               noted that the  estimate  does  not  include  discretionary  transfers from the
               Reserve Fund  or other funds  which  may be  identified during the  budget

               This Office based these estimates on information received from departments,
               consultation with local economic experts and academics, and historical as well
               as recent trends.

               The complete list  of estimated City receipts for  2019-20  and  2020-21  is
               contained in Schedule 1 (page 20 of this report).

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