Page 458 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 458

March 2, 2020

               Honorable Mayor Eric Garcetti
               Honorable Members of the City Council

               Re: Revenue Forecast Report

               Each year, in accordance with City Charter Section 311(c), my office submits a Revenue Forecast Report,
               which includes information gleaned from City departments, recent regional economic reports and
               meetings with local economists. This report covers updated revenue estimates for the remainder of the
               current fiscal year — ending June 30, 2020 — and projections for fiscal year 2021. Although forecasts
               inherently involve some uncertainty, this report offers our best estimates based on the available
               information and seeks to promote responsible budgeting in the year ahead.

               The City’s adopted budget this fiscal year totals $10.71 billion. Two-thirds of that, or $6.57 billion, is
               comprised of General Fund revenues, while the balance, $4.14 billion, comes from hundreds of special
               purpose funds. Our updated estimate of General Fund receipts for the current fiscal year is $6.61 billion,
               slightly higher than the budgeted amount and a six percent increase over the last fiscal year. Revenues
               from property and cannabis business taxes are higher than expected, but will be offset by projected
               shortfalls in telephone users tax and transient occupancy tax (TOT) receipts.

               The cannabis industry is projected to remit $84 million in business taxes to Los Angeles this year, in
               addition to $30 million in related sales tax receipts and $14 million from cannabis permit fees. These
               amounts should continue to expand if the City is able to move forward more expediently in its efforts to
               permit new cannabis businesses and better enforce against illegal sales.

               For fiscal year 2021, General Fund receipts are projected to be $6.82 billion, 3.2 percent more than the
               current year. The revenues driving the current year’s growth should continue to increase, but be partially
               offset again by the telephone users tax, which has dropped by 50 percent over the last decade.

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