Page 476 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 476

Revenue Forecast Report

                             Debt and Debt Service Requirements

               City Debt Policy

               Exhibit 7 below illustrates the City’s debt service in relation to General Fund
               receipts and demonstrates compliance with the City’s  debt management

                                                        EXHIBIT 7
                                    Ratio of Debt Service to General Fund Receipts



                               5.73%                            5.54%
                  6%                            5.43%                            5.36%            4.96%
                          3.60%            3.64%            3.54%
                  4%                                                        3.29%            3.07%

                           FY 16-17         FY 17-18         FY 18-19         FY 19-20         FY 20-21

                         Non-Voter Approved Debt Cap  Non-Voter Approved Debt  Total Debt    Total Debt Cap

               Note: FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19 ratios are based on actual General Fund receipts. FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21 ratios are based on
                    estimated and projected receipts.

               The City’s debt policy established maximum levels for voter and non-voter
               approved debt. The maximum debt service level for non-voter approved debt
               is not  to exceed  six  percent of General Fund revenues (with certain
               exceptions). As you can see,  the City  has managed  its  debt issuance very
               conservatively, with debt service well below the policy limits. Based on the
               current ratio of debt service to total projected receipts in 2020-21, the City
               has the capacity to issue additional non-voter approved debt with an annual
               debt service requirement of up to $179 million or 2.71 percent of General Fund
               receipts. Assuming long term debt at five percent interest, this would equate
               to more than $3 billion in additional debt capacity.

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