Page 479 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 479

Revenue Forecast Report

               General Obligation Bond Payments

               Exhibit  10  lists  the City’s General Obligation Bonds (GOB) debt service
               requirements for principal and interest for 2020-21, which are estimated at
               $129  million. GOBs are general obligations of the City payable from ad
               valorem taxes levied upon all of the taxable property in the City. Taxes levied
               for the GOB debt service requirement are separate from the General Fund
               property tax revenue. The City issues GOB debt for capital improvement
               projects,  including  the acquisition of property and the construction of  new
               facilities and improvements to existing facilities.

                                                       EXHIBIT 10

                                            GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS
                                            DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS
                                              FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-21

                                                     Principal            Interest          Requirement
                GOB - Series 2011-B                        32,590,000            3,203,000          35,793,000
                GOB - Series 2012-A                        22,815,000            4,353,225          27,168,225
                GOB - Series 2016-A                        17,060,000            3,197,348          20,257,348
                GOB - Series 2017-A                         4,320,000            2,287,508           6,607,508
                GOB - Series 2017-B                        11,460,000            1,888,750          13,348,750
                GOB - Series 2018-A                        13,815,000            9,354,627          23,169,627
                GOB - Series 2018-B                                       -           1,733,250           1,733,250
                GOB - Series 2018-C                                       -              378,015              378,015

                Total                              $  102,060,000       $    26,395,723     $  128,455,723

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