Page 483 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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                                                 Office of the Controller
                                                 General Fund Receipts
                    Last 20 Fiscal Years and Estimates for Fiscal Years 2019-20 and 2020-21
                                          (amounts expressed in thousands)
                                   Utility                       Transient   Permits,                  Total
              Fiscal  Property    Users'      Sales    Business  Occupancy   Fees and     Other    General Fund
              Year     Tax  (a)     Tax        Tax        Tax       Tax        Fines   Revenues  (b)  Receipts

             1999-00      527,810     487,439       331,710     317,340       98,306       420,475       667,521     2,850,601

             2000-01      588,307       557,401     357,222     344,605     108,538       431,628       753,640       3,141,341

             2001-02      622,393     488,778       351,062     360,336       93,901       473,162       831,956     3,221,588

             2002-03      663,440     510,339     363,787     356,041       92,652       467,577       878,182       3,332,018

             2003-04      717,801     576,251       377,890     373,248       97,989       462,600       970,296       3,576,075

             2004-05    1,029,161       589,858     316,561     396,794     127,751       496,598       948,582     3,905,305
             2005-06    1,121,848       604,947     323,555     434,529     126,989       477,231     1,043,559     4,132,658

             2006-07    1,334,172     605,270     333,885     464,330     134,557       545,931       964,734     4,382,879

             2007-08    1,389,255       628,319       335,562     466,997     148,523       614,891       779,314       4,362,861

             2008-09    1,509,073     647,823       311,938     451,495     136,323       689,633       668,912     4,415,197
             2009-10    1,442,270       631,048     280,096     424,830     118,500       735,306       783,441       4,415,491

             2010-11    1,434,152     628,069     296,608     418,374     134,796       691,280       693,753     4,297,032

             2011-12    1,438,840       615,034       323,247     439,802     151,722       727,538       693,061     4,389,244

             2012-13    1,609,228       620,448       338,970     448,832     167,824       724,702       757,229     4,667,233
             2013-14    1,660,180     627,437     356,503     475,397     184,382       831,974       817,691     4,953,564

             2014-15    1,726,824     639,391       371,031     497,329     202,897       851,507       955,180       5,244,159

             2015-16    1,737,472     614,702       417,541     509,765     230,818       887,442       937,337       5,335,077

             2016-17    1,894,511     624,831     520,404     528,076     265,653       913,233       882,082       5,628,790

             2017-18    1,933,300       633,000     536,000     544,000     293,000       998,753       853,389       5,791,442

             2018-19    2,093,018     644,151       581,443     603,123     318,888    1,121,228       875,030       6,236,881

             2019-20    2,240,805       657,297     604,188     664,306     320,917    1,193,857       931,251       6,612,621

             2020-21    2,396,964       644,656       626,543     689,992     331,969    1,240,734       891,281       6,822,139
               (a) Includes Ex-CRA Property Tax Increment receipts.
               (b) Other Revenues include transfers from the Reserve Fund except for 1999-00, 2008-09 and 2012-13 through 2013-14,


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