Page 102 - FY 2020-21 Revenue Outlook
P. 102

Millions  1,231.4  61.1  16.6  14.0  11.8  10.9  7.3                   6.5                   3.5                   2.8                   2.4                    2.2                   1.5                   1.0                    (1.3)  (2.6)  (5.0)  (14.2)  (16.6)  2.1                    1,335.3  103.9

                      $                                                                                                                                                                  $      $

                                           ♦ Services to Harbor - Expected reimbursements are based on higher estimated billings for the cost of services to be provided to Harbor by Fire and
                             $4.2 million for Planning; $3.5 million for PW Contract Administration; $4.5 million for Engineering; $4.5 million for Sanitation; $12.1 million for Street
                                             ♦ Recreation and Parks Reimbursements - These overhead costs reimbursements are anticipated to be greater in 2020-21 due to higher CAP rates
                          ♦ Special Funded Reimbursements - CAP rates and a greater effort to bill for all overhead costs. This significant increase in the 2020-21 proposed
                                                    ♦ Library Reimbursements - Reimbursements are expected to be higher in 2020-21 due to anticipated increases in General Fund - Miscellaneous,
                                                        ♦ Transportation - Reimbursements for parking meter and lot maintenance and off street parking are the main drivers for the overall increase.
                                                      General Services and Police, offset by the reduction in Capital Financing & Administration as debt service has been completed in 2019-20.
                                  ♦ MTA Reimbursement - The anticipated increase reflects the full year impact of additional transit security services provided to MTA.
                                    ♦ Services to Airport - City Attorney, Fire, Police and PW Contract Administration are budgeted to receive higher reimbursements.
                                ♦ Gas Tax Projects - PW Street Services and other bureaus anticipate increases in overhead reimbursements in 2020-21.
                                         ♦ Solid Waste Fee - Higher CAP rates and salary assumptions are increasing this revenue in PW Sanitation.
                                                                     ti  t
                  SIGNIFICANT CHANGES budget includes $5.3 million for Cannabis Regulation; $1.8 million for EWDD; $1.4 million for Cultural Affairs; $3.9 million for HCID, $1.3 million for ITA;   d  t  St  th  88
                                               ♦ Police - Police anticipates increases in excessive alarm and impound fees compared to 2019-20.
                                                            ♦ ITA - No additional settlement receipts are anticipated in the 2020-21 Miscellaneous Revenues.
                                                                 ♦ State Mandated - Prior-year police and other state mandate claims are expected to decrease.
                                                          ♦ Animal Services - collections for various animal fees are expected to increase in 2020-21.
                                                               ♦ CAO - No reimbursement for Census 2020 outreach efforts are anticipated in 2020-21.
                                      ♦ Ambulance - This is mainly to due to Emergency Ambulance Service fee adjustments.
                                                 ♦ Fire - Miscellaneous Fire services revenues are expected to increase in 2020-21.

                                                                     d ♦ One-time reimbursements - This category can fluctuate depending on what revenues become available. The revenues for this category is mainly for   f  t ♦ Services to Sewer - Changes in CAP rates resulted in a decrease in anticipated reimbursement to PW Contract Administration ($1 million), PW
                                                                     l Sanitation ($24 million), offset by  the increase in overhead reimbursements to PW Engineering ($8.7 million) in 2020-21.


                                                                     t  i
                      FY 2019-20 Revised Budget  $                   l  l  t  l  ♦ All Others FY 2020-21 Proposed Budget Change from FY2019-20 Revised Budget
   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107