Page 91 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 91

2020-21 Proposed Budget Changes by Department
              Category   Department               Blue Book Item Title            Dollars         Positions
                                                                                               Regular   Reso
                      Increased Services
                      Services        CARE+/CARE Overtime                           1,966,158         -      -
                                      CARE Program Support                            361,865         -      1
                      New Services
                      6-New Services  Community Services                              149,411         -      1
                                      Enhanced Facility Process Engineering Support   227,714         -      2
                                      Safe, Clean Water Program                       645,068         -      5
                      Efficiencies to Services
                      7-Efficiencies to                                              (149,411)      (2)      -
                      Services        Deletion of Vacant Positions
                                      Hiring Freeze Policy                         (1,160,232)        -      -
                                                              Proposed Changes      17,125,109       55    281
                                      Total                                        334,252,009    3,141    281

            Bureau of Street Lighting
                       Adopted Budget
                                      2019-20 Adopted Budget                        39,143,316      210    133
                                                                 Adopted Budget     39,143,316      210    133
                      Obligatory Changes
                      1-Obligatory                                                    340,167         -      -
                      Changes         2019-20 Employee Compensation Adjustment
                                      2020-21 Employee Compensation Adjustment        180,300         -      -
                                      Change in Number of Working Days                (79,550)        -      -
                                      Salary Step and Turnover Effect                (475,383)        -      -
                      Deletion of One-Time Services
                      2-Deletion of One-
                      Time Services   Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities  (11,290,002)    -      -
                                      Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding         (5,038,592)        -      -
                                      Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding            (482,384)        -      -
                                      Deletion of One-Time Special Funding           (800,000)        -      -
                      Continuation of Services
                      3-Continuation of
                      Services        Accelerated High Voltage Conversion Program   2,320,879         -      3
                                      Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities   99,709         -      1
                                      Co-Location Small Cell Communication          6,975,467         -     49
                                      Computer Systems Support                        135,670         -      1
                                      Copper Wire Theft Replacement Program         1,459,273         -      5
                                      Electric Vehicle Charging Stations              362,201         -      3
                                      Fleet Leasing                                   174,100         -      -
                                      LAWA Landside Access Modernization Project      254,378         -      2
                                      Metro Annual Work Program                     1,848,881         -     18
                                      Smart City Initiatives                          991,382         -      4
                                      Street Lighting Maintenance Warehouse         2,604,830         -      -
                                      Traffic Signals Support                         515,081         -      5
                                      Transportation Grant Annual Work Program      1,385,041         -     12
                                      Underground Substructure Locate and Mark        284,476         -      -
                                      Utility Lighting Requests                        99,209         -      1
                                      Vision Zero                                     700,888         -     11

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